Monday, August 22, 2016

Women and Men (MYHYV): Ana reveals the aggressive Labrador nobody talks – Blasting News

Go way back to the media arena which has had Ana Anginas in the last hours! After being a finalist on the throne of # Labrador , where rival Ana veteran, chosen by the Valencian, the tronista summer mujeres y hombres y viceversa has again become the center of the news after his latest perched ligerita clothes for Interviu magazine.

a story that, besides being graphic and contain images of Ana high erotic content topless and wearing a thong tiny, it contains something that is much more striking, and is a lot of blame that could have been your partner and have become emotional support right now to be chosen at the end of # MYHYV , ie, Labrador.

on it has such strong things like “do not know how to treat women” or that he found it “a very aggressive guy,” alluding to all conflicts in which this has been protagonist and the that has come to light the complicated character of former Survivor and former star of Gandia Shore.

in fact, if it were to be ahead, would this be the topic of conversation, the aggressiveness of clear and has him I noted, touch and feel during the time you tried to know, besides giving a few tips to learn how to treat a woman, pitying and what awaits the veteran Ana, current partner of Labrador.

And, she says, “Labrador does not like that girl,” alluding to the word “assembly” to define the reason for choosing this with brunette , who promises them a series of steps by the media as a partner first, and as a former partner later.

However, in the interview to the magazine, this ensures that, despite feeling disappointed, now no grudge to Valencia, because “he is indifferent”, giving just how you go with your choice from now on, since not with her would no longer have anything to do.

his throne summer continues and will have to see if finally go with someone … or if you wait for your site in the conventional throne. # mujeresyhombres


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