Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Redford, given to fantasy in the movies – Daily Day

About to turn 80 years old and revered as an undisputed legend of the big screen, Robert Redford, leading actor of the new version of “My friend the dragon”, he praised the own magic world of children and claimed the importance of fantasy in the movies.

“I think ‘magic’ is a wonderful word and I think that is part of the vocabulary of cinema. I think (the magic in the film) should be retained, “explained Robert Redford in a small meeting with the press.

“I think unite reality and fantasy is great and that’s what we definitely try to do ‘My friend the dragon’,” added the interpreter on the tape that came last week theaters in the country under the orders of director David Lowery ( “Is not Them Bodies Saints”, 2013) and the interpreter Bryce Dallas Howard in his cast.

The Disney classic “My Friend the Dragon” (1977), a musical that combined animation and live actors, returns to life with a very different movie that he said his director, “uses the same title but tells a new story.”

This reinterpretation of “My friend the dragon”, a feature film classic bill and with the scent of the old stories of adventure for the whole family, presents Pete (Oakes Fegley) , a child who, after losing their parents in a car accident, survived for years in the woods with Elliot, an adorable and loving dragon that looks more like a giant stuffed a monster.

The legends about a mysterious hidden dragon between nature that had in the surrounding villages charge suddenly a very real meaning when forest found this “wild child “who speaks only his best friend Elliot.

For Redford, which is placed on the skin of a man who has spent his life making sure that the dragon exists, the film emphasizes look “beyond what is in front of you “and observe what seems invisible, something that, in his opinion, is” very healthy. ”

“I think that technology has narrowed our eyes. Now we miss nature in its ‘natural state’ and we have to see it reproduced on our screens. It is something that causes me sadness, “he argued.

Also, Redford praised the magic and imagination that surrounds the world of children and recalled his own fascination when small saw films like “Fantasia” (1940) and “Bambi” (1942).

“I told myself: ‘Well, that’s what movies can do. Can you create magic, dark magic as both brilliant magic ‘ “he recalled.

In a similar vein, the actor defended this movie shows the little ones not only childish emotions, from joy to fear.

“I think it is simply necessary because the world is bigger and darker and children do not know how complicated things are,” he said.

also her costar Bryce Dallas Howard addressed the emotional component of Disney movies and joked that many of them die parents very beginning, an aspect that, in fact, “it is the greatest fear of any child.”

“Disney has its own history of films in which the main characters are young, who face the worst possible situations and are not only able to endure but also found to themselves because of them, “said the actress, who added that the message” My friend the dragon “highlights” what it takes to find your family when you think you’ve lost it. ”

Likewise, Dallas Howard stressed that loves working with children because “play and dress” is for them “natural state” and something that connect instantly .

“With my children, at the time when I say ‘let’s pretend that there glowing lava’, they are already there. It is really glowing lava and intense, “he described.

The question, in any case, is whether such a traditional as this story, one of the last big bets in Hollywood for this season, can permeate the young generation Pokemon GO, used to superheroes, video games and stunning visual displays of all kinds.

“My hope, and find out if this is true or not, is that despite the extreme media literacy current movie audiences, especially children, a good story, with characters and emotions that come to them, will still have their place, “concluded David Lowery.


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