Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The photos and details that confirm the secret relationship between Nagore and Sandra Barneda! – Blasting News

Bomba powerful that we have experienced in the last hours after Lectutas confirmed the advancement of comrade Daniel Carande ES Radio publicly revealed the existence of evidence that would confirm finally the relationship between Nagore Robles and Sandra Barneda.

After having speculated at length about the relationship of these two partners in # Telecinco , and several affaires of homosexual type are known, having declared collaborator as bisexual and journalist as a lesbian through statements that leave little doubt about their trends, now seems to have confirmed that the two are more than friends.

at least that is clear from the information published and that, in addition to the story itself, accompanied by the revelation of the existence of a series of photographs of both in attitude more than affectionate and even torrid and that it would be rolling for several circles before the possibility of publishing is studied.

a series of photos that could see both kissing passionately clearly showing the passion that exist between them and has come to be the talk in the last hours on social networks.

as for his previous relationships, although Nagore was publicly known that had a relationship with Sophia Christ, that would end not lasting much, Sandra Barneda, despite knowing their sexual inclinations always been very jealous of her imtimodad, having, yes, been linked to the also journalist Tania Sarrias.

now, at age 43, and when going through their best professional moment, as conductive talked to them, love seems to smile at him putting his hand life Nagore 40, who seems so far there was no been lucky in love that came looking for.

Anyway, the absence of news of reading is confirmed and out all photos to light, from here we want to take this opportunity to wish you the best of luck to this beautiful pair. Long live love … And that last long !. # 15M # MYHYV


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