Friday, July 8, 2016

They delve to “The Garden of Earthly Delights” del Bosco – El Diario de Yucatan



MADRID (EFE) .- The most advanced technology and Renaissance art come together in the video installation “Infinite Garden”, a sensory journey through the triptych “The Garden of Earthly Delights,” which can be enjoyed in the Museum Prado on the occasion of the celebration of the V centenary of the death of Bosco.

Eighteen projectors in a perimeter of 360 degrees and a central prism, and 16 sound tracks immerse the visitor in the world of emblematic work of the Dutch master, recreated by the artist Alvaro Perdices and filmmaker Andrés Sanz in the room C of the museum, created specifically for the event.

This is a unique experience, more than an hour duration, which allows to approach the famous triptych and stroll along beings and spaces of Paradise or Hell, accompanied by a soundtrack also created especially for the work by Santiago Rapallo and Javier Adam.

New platforms

“infinite Garden” project sponsored by the BBVA Foundation, the languages ​​of contemporary art come factly in the Prado, which on the occasion of the V centenary of Bosco opens new platforms for reflection, such as comics or video installation.

the initial custom Prado director Miguel Zugaza, was a video “and we had the audacity to propose a video installation in which we have enjoyed absolute freedom, “said Andres Sanz

the only thing they asked them is that they stuck to.” the Garden of Earthly Delights “:” a table containing infinite pictures. We have entered it and select fragments to create itineraries, a narrative structure in which invite viewers to enter, “they said

With open account.

For the duration of the projection, which has no beginning or end but intertwines, there is no story as such. “The mystery of the work itself gave us a lot of freedom to build an open narrative structure. The viewer will encounter things that, at first glance, perhaps not know “.

Two features especially painting Bosco helped the creators. On the one hand, “the character of miniature universe contains that which we have nurtured for a trip through the box. That element miniature is accompanied by the mystery, which allowed us to get carried away by the magic and dream. “

For the artist Alvaro Perdices, technological contribution with which counted for the video installation was key and it is most advanced. “It’s the first time the Prado commissioned a work like this and wanted it to be the best possible.”

The reading that they propose, and which had the huge archive of Google, “which was easy to dissect “is one of many that they could do.

” it’s a reinterpretation in which is all we have collective imagination. This is a project that puts the Prado in our context and in our time, with a proposal that invites the viewer to a sensory journey and to enter the picture. “

Think Big

Miguel Zugaza recalled that the objective was to create a space complementary to the exhibition “Bosco experience. The exhibition of the V centenary “and Álvaro Perdices” took advantage of the opportunity, was ambitious and thought big, partnering with Andrés Sanz and later with the musicians. “

According to the director of the Prado, image and likeness of “the Garden of Earthly Delights” “a new work of art, which have surpassed all initial outlook was created. On one of the most sophisticated works, this ‘infinite Garden’ amplifies the qualities of the famous triptych “.

In view Zugaza, among all the metamorphoses experienced by the work, including Dali,” this is perhaps the most empirical. It is based on scientific material in the scientific eye we use in the museum, and this gives a very interesting quality. Is a dive in which the viewer is incorporated into the physical and narrative space of the picture, “said the director, who announced his intention to” move the world this ‘infinite Garden.’ “



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