In August last year, Shannen Doherty, known for his roles as “Brenda Walsh” in the series “Beverly Hills 90210″ and “Prue Halliwell “in” Charmed “- announced she had breast cancer
the actress accused his manager that he had forgotten to pay his insurance, which left without health coverage for a year.. When he returned to take tests doctors discovered a tumor in the chest that had reached at least one lymph node.
since then, Shannen (45 years) has been dedicated to be and try to overcome the disease. The last public event where it could be seen was at a gala in California in November 2015.
Now the actress has taken a bold step and posted on his Instagram account images of how she shaved her, in an attempt to highlight and normalize their disease.
in the pictures, the actress appears with her mother and a friend, the Puerto Rican model Anne Kortright- Shilstat.
with a series of six images in black and white, Doherty documented the process of losing their hair. In the first one is seen crying and sad. However, as the session progresses you are going to see more animated.
At first the actress had preferred to keep silent illness. However, the situation was complicated when he discovered that Tanner Mainstain, the company in charge of managing his career and control their finances, had not paid their health insurance since November 2013, leaving uninsured throughout 2014 .
When doctors attended, they told that the tumor had branched, had no insurance and therefore could not cover the treatment. Shanne sued Mainstain Tanner, a judicial process that is still ongoing
In February this year the actress went to Dr. Oz program to describe how the battle has been waged against cancer. Tearfully recounted how difficult their situation. “I care more about the people you love. You want to make sure it will be fine” , said Doherty.
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