Monday, July 18, 2016

[PHOTO] Thus the character “Mountain” from “Game of Thrones” looks without its traditional town – Teletrece

One of the characters that influence has acquired in recent seasons of “Game of Thrones” is “The Mountain” , whose name is Gregor Clegane , loyal warrior ruthless Cersei Lannister .

owner of a huge force, this fighter bloody is remembered for he staged a trial by combat next to Prince Oberyn Martell , played by the Chilean actor Pedro Pascal . While he managed to crush the head of his opponent, the “Red Viper” managed to skewer his spear poisoned leaving it in a state of unconsciousness or brain death.

However, the master Qyburn would have “revived” to make it serve Cersei Lannister as a member of the Royal Guard , and always with his head covered.

why for several episodes not been allowed to see his face and has always appeared after a helmet that has to start a fight in any time.

Incarnate by the Icelandic actor Hafthor Júlíus Björnsson , 26, finally “the Mountain” has shown the world exposing a truly shocking appearance


Behind the scenes …

a photo published by Hafthor Júlíus Björnsson (@thorbjornsson) the


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