Two years of preparation, a cast of 42 actors, a multitude of conversations and a circulation of thousands. On the eve of its theatrical release, little is known of the eighth Harry Potter adventure. The creator of the character admitted his surprise at the absence of leaks and that the argument has not been leaked online. Only it is known what she and her team wanted to be known. A real achievement in the age of piracy.
J. K. Rowling announced last October 23 an eighth of the series, just seven days were tickets for these functions and, as with everything that surrounds this phenomenon, this time also have broken records: 175 thousand tickets were sold in 24 hours and there are no seats available until 2017.
the Palace Theatre in London is the setting that was chosen for this representation, that moment will not be exported to another country because of difficulties assembling and because the novelist, for now, want not move.
the representation is divided into two parts, both quite long (about two hours each) and therefore, there are two different for each function. To view the full story, the public should attend the theater twice (once in the morning and one in the afternoon).
For months it was rumored that J.K. Rowling was preparing an adaptation of his books for the theater and, according to others, it was just the outline of a script. But no. Harry Potter and the bloody legacy, which on July 31 will go on sale in English, and is the best-selling whole saga because of the online- reserves is an autonomous history, which starts where it ended the last volume this series.
Rowling placed the action 19 years later, so we found a Harry Potter aged, graying, as shown in the last film, which works like any employee for the Ministry of Magic, is married, father of three children, but has not gotten rid of a past that haunts him.
so far, more or less predictable. What few followers hope is that the real protagonist is the son of Potter: Albus, a misunderstood boy who finishes not assimilate his family’s past. In fact, part of the argument focuses on parent-child problems Harry and their offspring.
In an unexpected twist, the young wizard, rather than being an ideal father is a father figure too rough. Throughout the series, the difficulty of being a child, isolation, loneliness and fragility surrounding infants who are moving into adolescence is always reflected, which, incidentally, is not trouble-free period. That’s where the novelist focuses to develop this part.
The novelist, includes The Guardian, said that Harry was a child who never enjoyed a proper family coat to make it a household away from any exemplariness. The two, however, must face the darkness that can come from anywhere.
The work makes many winks to fans of Harry Potter. There are frequent cameos of characters in the novel and are students of Hogwarts and if you have not read thoroughly or are familiar with this universe, there will recognize. Harry Potter and the bloody legacy, is full of illusions and amazing magic tricks that take your breath away. In addition, according to The Independent, filled with humor scenes was introdujero.
The second part focuses more on the argument becomes more serious, darker, as was the case in the original books of Harry Potter .
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