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“Friendship doubles your joys and divide the anguish in half” once the British philosopher Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626), said .
Perhaps for this reason and many other reasons, friendship is celebrated and widely around the world.
On Wednesday 20 July, bars and restaurants Argentina are filled with friends to celebrate the bond that unites them.
It is also the date chosen by Uruguay and Brazil.
But at least four dates are marked on the calendar as the Friendship Day.
What are they and why?
July 20
The reason why the Argentinians celebrate Wednesday the Friendship Day is not random.
It occurred to Enrique Ernesto Febbraro, a professor of psychology and philosophy Argentine when he was 18, although it took in concretize.
“It was an old idea of when he was announcer on Radio Argentina. In those days, the government gave us a list with the celebrations had to evoke every day. It was a huge amount of patriotic dates, but there was no virtue to be celebrated. And my idea was to celebrate Friendship Day, “he said Febbraro the newspaper la Voz del Interior, in the province of Cordoba, Argentina.
But the Argentine, who died in 2008 at age 84, he could not decide what to choose date for the celebration.
Until man walked on the moon for the first time on July 20, 1969 “in the name of friendship of humanity to the universe. That was my opportunity “, told the newspaper some months before his death.
to add followers, Febbraro started sending postcards to everyone telling his proposal.
He ordered 1,000. And they responded 800 people adhering to the initiative which was later patented.
Febbraro defined friendship as “the most outstanding virtue because it is disinterested anyway. E l friend is a real, snoring person who has a bad temper and that one endures because he knows. “
But warned that” that want’tener a million friends’ (for the theme song of the Brazilian Roberto Carlos) is a bolazo (lie), “he said dismissing it.
July 30
In 2011, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 30 July as the Friendship Day .
the idea behind this date is that “friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace initiatives and present an opportunity to build bridges between communities” UN says on its website.
The organization also invited its members to hold events states to celebrate this day in order to “contribute to promoting dialogue, solidarity, mutual understanding and reconciliation “.
Paraguay celebrates Friendship Day on July 30, although its origin comes after the founding of the Crusade of Friendship, a civil organization, in 1958, which promotes the culture of peace.
February 14
On this date we commemorate Valentine in the Catholic Church since the year 494.
Although the party It has pre-Christian roots that marked the beginning of spring and celebrating fertility.
Although Valentine is associated with love, for many it is the Valentine’s Day and Friendship.
At least Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Ecuador and Peru celebrate Friend’s Day on February 14.
February 4
the social network Facebook took the concept of friendship to the virtual plane and managed to billions of people started to use it and connect with” friends “.
So the last 4 February, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, wrote a post in which he encouraged celebrate Friend’s Day (Friends Day) since the social network met 12 years line.
Although the proposal was controversial in social networks.
Bolivia has its own Friendship Day is celebrated on July 23.
While the date has its origin in an advertising campaign for a company of Greetings Cards, Bolivian citizens adopted the custom of exchanging cards to celebrate Friendship Day.
Although at present, social networks replaced physical cards for electronic.
Other dates
United States , the Friendship Day is commemorated the first Sunday in August , which is custom exchanged gifts, flowers and greeting cards.
This date is chosen by India for your celebrations colorful and several Other countries .
So if you do not celebrate, this may be a good opportunity to choose what date you prefer to celebrate (although you can also select all).
Tell us in this post Facebook when and how festejas Friend Day.
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