Sunday, July 17, 2016

A house in La Plata designed by Le Corbusier managed to defeat the attempted coup in Turkey – Clarí

The United Nations Organization for Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) today declared a World Heritage Site to Curutchet House in the city of La Plata, designed by Le Corbusier. This is the only home built in America by the famous Swiss architect, considered the father of modern architecture.

Gathered in the restive Turkish capital a week ago, last Friday, the 20th Assembly committee of world Heritage of Unesco had to suspend its activities for the attempted coup against the Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, when he was examining the presentation of 27 places and buildings around the world proposed for the list of goods to include in its list of World Heritage.

CASA CURUTCHET. The work of Le Corbusier in  La Plata today was declared a World Heritage Site  by Unesco.

The military coup that left more than 250 dead and thousands injured, suspended discussions until today, when, after a brief discussion, the agency decided unanimously anoint the works of Le Corbusier -including the house platense- , which had already been challenged on two previous occasions.

the Heritage is a list that Unicef ​​produced since 1972 and already has 1,031 places and built buildings. In total Furon 18 works of Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, 1887-1965) who deserved the same distinction today, and were presented jointly by Belgium, France, India, Japan and Switzerland, in addition to Argentina.

CASA CURUTCHET. The work of Le Corbusier in  La Plata today was declared a World Heritage Site  by Unesco.

The Argentina delegation was led by Rodolfo Terragno, ambassador of Unesco, and integrated also by Américo Castilla, Secretary of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture; Gladys Perez Ferrando, representative of the National Commission of Monuments and Historic Properties; Julio Santana, representative of the Supreme Council of the College of Architects of the Province of Buenos Aires; Claudio Catera, secretary of Icomos Argentina (International Council on Monuments and Sites) and Miguel Angel Hildmann, Bureau of International Organizations of the Foreign Ministry.

The house was built by order of the doctor Pedro Curutchet a prominent surgeon who designed his own surgical instruments, gained massive popularity the house six years ago thanks to the film “the man next door” by Gastón Duprat and Mariano Cohn, whose action takes place there. Located almost at the corner of 1st Street and 53 of La Plata, the work complies with the “five points of a new architecture” prepared by Le Corbusier in 1926. But in the intervening time, the Swiss maestro added to its aesthetic menu bris-functional Solei, also present in this project.

CASA CURUTCHET. The work of Le Corbusier in  La Plata today was declared a World Heritage Site  by Unesco.

Located on a narrow lot between party Curutchet House it is a unique work of Swiss architect production, reflecting its pioneering spirit as well as masterfully manages to fit in the built fabric of the city. Le Corbusier did not travel to Argentina to direct the work and appointed for that function to Amancio Williams.

The house is divided into three upper floors connected by a long ramp which proposes an upstroke. The ground floor is only garden and patio; the first floor contains the office, and the two upper floors, housing and terrace. The kitchen, dining and living are at the lowest level (2nd floor), while in the third are the bedrooms and the desktop. In turn, the roof of the office becomes a large terrace with spectacular views of the Bosque de La Plata. The entire front of the office is a huge hidden window behind the visors that enmaran landscape and protect from the sun. Also, in the heart of the house grows a tree.

CASA CURUTCHET. The work of Le Corbusier in  La Plata today was declared a World Heritage Site  by Unesco.

The Curutchet could be moved into their home in 1954, but the work followed a year. Although some time after the family left the residence, Curutchet always concurred, and in 1957 the architect wrote: “The public is increasingly realizing this work that many people seemed so strange at first. This is ‘the house of Le Corbusier’; I am honored to be the owner. “

Currently the house is the headquarters of the Colegio de Arquitectos de la Plata, which rents it to the heirs of the original owner, and in December 2010 the Buenos Aires Senate had already declared “public utility and subject to expropriation” to “preserve, enhance and disseminate the cultural, historical, architectural and urban heritage.”

CASA CURUTCHET. The work of Le Corbusier in  La Plata today was declared a World Heritage Site  by Unesco.

Other works of Le Corbusier awarded

The works declared World Heritage Site by Unesco were buildings Chandigarh (1952), capital of the states of Punjab and Jariana in India.

Cabanon de Le Corbusier (1951), Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France.

Chapel Notre-Dame du Haut (1950) Ronchamp, France.

Cité Frugès (1924), Pessac, France.

Convent Sainte-Marie de la Tourette (1953), Eveux, France.

Building Clarté (1930) Geneva, Switzerland Building Porte Molitor (1931), Boulogne-Billancourt, France.

House Culutra Firminy (1953-1965), Firminy, France Weissenhof-Siedlung House (1927) Stuttgart, Germany .

Casa del Doctor Curtutchet (1949), La Plata, Argentina.

House Guiette (1926), Anvers, Belgium Casa La Roche-Jeanneret (1923), France.

Factory Duval (1946), Saint-Die-des-Vosges, France.

Museum of Western Art (1954), Tokyo, Japan.

Unité d ‘ habitation (1945), Marseille, France.

House Le Lac (1923), Corseaux, Switzerland.

House Savoye and flag of the gardener (1928), Poissy, France.

See details Le Corbusier buildings declared World Heritage:


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