Sunday, July 10, 2016

STRONG IMAGES: A bullfighter dies in Spain after being gored in the chest (video 18+) – RT in Spanish – International News

The Spanish bullfighter Victor Barrio died Saturday after being gored during a bullfight in the bullring of Teruel, Aragon, reports EFE.

The tragedy occurred after the torero hit the ground after being hit by the bull. Once on the sand, the animal gored him in the side. Python pierced his chest, reaching the heart, and Barrio died in the infirmary of the square, where medical services could do nothing to save her life.

After the incident, the run was canceled and scheduled for Sunday will begin with a minute of silence.

the death of Barrio, 29, is the first happened in Spain so far this century. In the past century, 134 professional bullfighters, 33 of them murderers, have died as a result of injuries sustained in places, farms tentaderos

Warning. The following video can hurt its sensitivity.


on the other hand, this tragedy has sparked a great debate on social networks within the Spanish society which rejects the bullfights, which has led many to the end of mock death of the bullfighter. Acts that have been berated by Internet users, who criticize the fact that the protection of a tragedy some advantage to use it as an argument to end bullfights in the country.

“has died after being gored by the bull . and you know what? it does not give me any grief “,” has died a torturer and murderer in series of bulls, has died because one of them defended. and we have to feel sorry and such, “are some of the comments that have Twitter flooded.

But these messages have outraged many Internet users, who have condemned the death of a person is held. Gradually, the tension in social networks has been increasing, so the anti-bullfighting insults have been reproduced endlessly.


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