Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Isabel Pantoja threatens to sue his daughter Chabelita – RPP News

Isabel Pantoja has said enough. According to the website of the magazine “Ten Minutes” singer will not put up with his adopted daughter Chabelita, keep talking bad about her in the media and, if necessary, take legal action.

“( Isabel Pantoja) is forced to take legal action to end what he considers a real media circus, “says the magazine.

Sources close to the family, argue that the artist raised the cry to heaven when Chabelita the blasted in an interview with a Spanish magazine.

“for now, mother and daughter did not speak,” recounts the article. It seems that the singer is concerned that everything that is being said about it harms their image. And if that were not enough, her daughter wants “easy money, using it as the center of their criticism.”

Ten minutes further explains that the artist does not intend to make money with the demands and that all he seeks is that this barrage of interviews to discuss the clan Pantoja is completed and not talk about it again



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