Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Curse of Leonardo DiCaprio: other players who never won an Oscar – the nation (Argentina)

Although the actor Titanic bears the stigma of the “big loser”, other figures back him in the list of candidates for the golden eternal statue

Leonardo DiCaprio, you’re not alone. That could be the message for the “eternal loser” of the Oscar awards, which this year is going for his fifth nomination for her work in The Revenant . Many actors who, throughout history, emperifollaron, put their best face to go through the red carpet, the entire ceremony bancaron and returned home empty-handed.

invite you to do a review of other cases of candidates for the golden statuette eternal:

Glenn Close

Photo: FILE

at the top of the list, the great Glenn Close, with five nominations and zero Oscars to his credit

1983. Nominated for best Supporting actress for The world according to Garp ; lost at the hands of Jessica Lange, for Tootsie

1984: Nominated for Best Supporting Actress for Reunion ;. lost at the hands of Linda Hunt, The Year of Living Dangerously

1985. Nominated for Best Supporting Actress for Best lost . hands Peggy Ashcroft, a Passage to India

1988: Nominated for best actress for fatal Attraction ; lost at the hands of Cher, for Moonstruck

1989. Nominated for best actress for Dangerous Liaisons ; He lost at the hands of Jodie Foster, for Accused

2012. Nominated for best actress for Albert Nobbs ; He lost at the hands of Meryl Streep, for The Iron Lady .

Albert Finney

Photo : FILE

also with five to zero Albert Finney, a great actor who always stood with the desire lies

1964. Nominated for best actor for Tom Jones ; lost at the hands of Sidney Poitier, A Voice in the Shadows

1975: Nominated for best actor for Murder on the Orient Express ;. He lost out to Art Carney, for Harry and Tonto

1984: Nominated for best actor for The dressing ;. lost at the hands of Robert Duvall, The price of happiness

1985. Nominated for best actor for Under the Volcano ; lost at the hands of F. Murray Abraham, Amadeus

2001: Nominated for Best Actor for Erin Brockovich ;. He lost at the hands of Benicio del Toro, for Traffic

Amy Adams

Photo. FILE

the cutest redhead Hollywood, Amy Adams, also dreamed five times with the Oscar, but failed to take it home …

2006: Nominated for best actress Junebug ; lost at the hands of Rachel Weisz, for The Constant Gardener

2009: Nominated for Best Supporting Actress for doubt,. lost at the hands of Penelope Cruz, for Vicky Cristina Barcelona

2011. Nominated for Best Supporting Actress for The winner ; lost at the hands of Melissa Leo, for the same film

2013: Nominated for Best Supporting Actress for The Master ;. lost at the

hands of Anne Hathaway, Los Miserables

2014: Nominated for best actress for American Scandal ;. He lost at the hands of Cate Blanchett, for Blue Jasmine

Ed Harris

Photo. FILE

Ed Harris is another great actor who was never honored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Hollywood

1996. Nominated for best actor for Apollo 13 ; . Lost at the hands of Kevin Spacey, The Usual Suspects

1999: Nominated for Best Actor for The Truman Show ; lost at the hands of James Coburn, for Days of Rage

2001: Nominated for best actor for Pollock ;. lost at the hands of Russell Crowe, for Gladiator

2003: Nominated for best actor for hours ;. lost at the hands of Chris Cooper, The Orchid Thief .

Annette Benning

Photo : FILE

Annette Bening was also nominated four times, but never took the stage to withdraw its award

1991. nominated for best Supporting actress for prohibited Ambitions , lost at the hands of Whoopi Goldberg, for Ghost

2000: Nominated for best actress for American Beauty ;. lost at the hands of Hilary Swank, for Boys Do not Cry

2005: Nominated for best actress for Being Julia ;. He lost at the hands of Hilary Swank, for Million Dollar Baby

2011. Nominated for best actress for My family ; He lost at the hands of Natalie Portman, for The black swan

In this note.


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