The two neighboring buildings in London where they lived and worked, with 240 years apart, the German composer George Frideric Handel and American musician Jimi Hendrix opened its doors today . for the first time to the public
inside the old housing it has been installed Handel & amp; Hendrix, an exhibition that runs the private lives of these artists of classical music and rock through the recreation of some of the rooms where they lived, as well as historical documents, music and videos.
only a wall separates the two houses, located in the 23 and 25 Brook Street in Mayfair.
on the one hand, this project has been commissioned to reconstruct in detail the only floor you can visit Hendrix (1942-1970), as it was when he lived there for 1969.
Hendrix found this residence, located on the top floor of 23 Brook Street, in an advertisement in the newspaper, and she paid 30 lbs (38 euros / 43 dollars) a week.
in the area of what was then the hall, the visitor walks accompanied by the sound of the singer themes are distributed pictures, newspaper clippings, videos and quotes from own Hendrix and other artists on it, disclosing curious what was the home life of this superstar.
As read on the walls papered with photographs, rocker usually invited to his house other artists, organized meetings with reporters and photographers and celebrated many parties, which used to go to George Harrison , among others.
Along with this, you can listen to with headphones extracts study sessions for 1969, in which one can perceive the perfection and safety of the artist with the guitar.
in another room is exposed on a wall part of the collection of records that the artist compiled, showing “who Hendrix was as a musician”, according to media record producer Rob Dickins.
a collection of one hundred discs, among them albums Bob Dylan and genres blues, jazz and classical music, with Handel among his favorites, Dickins said.
the Epiphone acoustic guitar FT79 also exposes the singer bought second-hand for $ 25 (22 euros) new York and that touched topics such as his version of “All Along the Watchower” Dylan.
recreated from photographs and recordings, as well as descriptions of reporters and musician expareja Kathy Etchingham, Hendrix’s bedroom has objects that are replicas constructed retail or similar parts belonging to the 60.
Stresses the oval mirror hanging over the fireplace and part of the furniture in the house as well as the favorite singer Victorian shawl, hanging from the ceiling creating a kind of canopy over the bed.
a place perfectly situated for the needs composer. Near the artistic communities were concentrated in Soho and Covent Garden, and St. James Palace, where he developed his official work.
Throughout this period, Handel wrote many of his most important works including the “Messiah” conducted its trials and its first performances, and died in 1759.
the home of the composer playback, consisting of a hall, a bedroom, a room to compose and several rooms exposure, features paintings, prints and antique furniture, as well as scores, reproductions of his music, illustrations and pianos.
Among the stringed instruments, highlight the key dual hand, widely used during the baroque, and dates from 1754.
the director of the show, Michelle Aland, said that the center will organize various programs, concerts and children’s activities in different spaces of the house.
“Hendrix thought he saw once a ghost Handel in one of his mirrors and thought the spirit of music was in the house, so we want to celebrate that spirit of music,” said Aland.
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