Monday, February 1, 2016

Instagram: TV presenter issued ‘by mistake’ his nude photo | PHOTO – Herald Tribune

The TV presenter Patricia Conde seemed wrong image and his Instagram account shared a photo that did not correspond with what we wanted to tell. Thus the Spanish actress once again proved his good sense of humor because of mistake, no nothing

CAN SEE:. Brunella Horna love with provocative image in Instagram | PHOTO

“And how well do you feel a Sunday morning returning from the gym at 10 and meet neighbors who come to party,” were the first words that the presenter left with the image which can be seen very sensual and naked.

“I have the wrong picture,” said Patricia Conde, who although does not look any garment, appears suitably covered so you will not see any of your private parts .

Conde showed that owns a great body. At 36, there is still much of the beauty of the woman who was Miss Palencia and presented the Miss Spain contest.


Patricia Conde currently experiencing one of its best moments: involved in the second season of ‘Snack Pepe’ and, personally, out with the humorist Ernesto Sevilla, who see in the new season of ‘ The looming ‘.


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