Monday, August 3, 2015

“Dwellings” Santa Teresa de Jesus adapted to comics by Argentine authors – Telam

Edited by initiative of Spain Cultural Center Buenos Aires (CCEBA) and editorial work Rabia Crazy seal, the book is the second experience of this kind, followed the ring to the comic adaptation of the classic Novels copies Miguel de Cervantes came out two years ago, 400 years after its original publication in 1613.

Now, in the framework of the Teresian celebrations, Juan Duarte, cultural counselor of the Embassy of Spain, said in an interview with Telam that the new result is a book “which combines very well the spirit of Teresa of Avila with the vision of young artists and their reinterpretation of Dwellings ; each gave his personal view and is a product with own life. “

The idea of ​​this publication, and contribute to the anniversary, it is” closer to a wider audience, because cartoon has a great impact on Argentina, is living a golden age and is a universal language that allows young people to start studying the works of St. Teresa, overcoming rough it is to read mystical side, “Duarte explains this essential literary reference in Spain.

The work and life of Santa Teresa scored a highlight for Christian mysticism. Born in 1515, wrote all about herself: her work ascension, spirituality and religious scholarship, poetic prose management aesthetic enjoyment.

Dwellings , written in 1577, a year after being questioned by the Inquisition, this disruptive woman make a powerful and symbolic maze and synthesized “from a force , a will and a power of introspection off the charts, “writes Florence Calvo, Doctor in Literature and advice for adaptation.

So with this reenactment, eternal doubts about being enthroned “Who does not feel his body like a trap occasionally ?; Who does not have intrigued to know where that voice comes inside the head ?; Is an alien voice ?; Are we that voice ?, Who vibrates? “he asks in the foreword Alejandro Farias, editor, screenwriter and co-director of Rabia Loco.

This new publication has no author, but several and that is where the versatility of the text resides. There are simpler and more complex drawings, there are simpler and more elaborate scripts and each other ‘home’ is a step towards perfection. “Each chapter involving a change of style, each dwelling was a state,” said Farias.

In this version bullets, the biography of Santa Teresa is in charge of Leo Sandler and Marcos Vergara, foreword by Daniela Kantor. While the ‘first home’ was performed by Patricio Delpeche and Farias; the next by Maco and Roy Leguisamo; the third by Max Aguirre and Federico Reggiani; the fourth by Jorge Vildoza and Farias; the fifth by Peter Mancini; Who Jorge sixth and last for Fernando Calvi.

“It was a joint effort where every artist or partner was free. It was a big challenge, with a variety of styles and approaches. Certain prejudices were broken because it is an ancient and mystical text, but it has a simplicity and humanity amazing. She is talking as equals in their approach to God, very simple allegories. The images are clear, it is a plain language that we caught and discovered an amazing writer. It is a text that raises questions, “he explains editor.

What makes effect, then, the work of a cloistered nun of the sixteenth century? “It was a private woman formal education and the art of rhetoric, which fortunately gave another voice. Wrote on the sidelines of a formalized structure, with a tongue able to say everything, a female orality so strong that we can hear someone revealing and, at the same time hides. A mystery that reveals as readers today “suggests Gargatagli Marietta, professor emeritus at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Reading can be rough at first, meet the artists and writers, but with passage of authorial development, Santa Teresa did not go unnoticed.

 “The first reading was quite hard, but brought to a more friendly language. I played the first home, the more attached to earthly things and gave her body to metaphors and shape to the talk of darkness and faces claims. It an interesting text for the richness of his narrative, is a person who runs the rooms of a castle and finally the center is to rise to God, “says the artist Patricio Delpeche.

His first thought Peter Mancini, responsible for the cover art and the fifth dwelling was disguised me what ?, but as it progressed became “terrific”.

“There was a lot of freedom to bring this character to the universe of each author, I managed to be a character in my work. This home was quite difficult because she is on tour, in advance and detachment, where fears remained behind. It is shedding as physical and earthy, “says Mancini, who remarks that” what I love most is that the book can be enjoyed in its entirety. ”

Farias, therefore, concludes that the mystical and introspective religious boom “speaks of the existence of the human soul in such a way that even today, despite the language difficulties and that seems distant the theme to the interests of our times, the reader committed to his words can not fail to be affected “and shoots from an angle of more personal reading, that” something happened, I do not know what, but something happened. “


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