Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Conclude work on the state of the frigate Mercedes after plundering – Aguasdigital.com

                 Photo: EFE

Model of the frigate Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes set out in the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ). EFE / File


             Conclude work on the state of the frigate Mercedes after plundering


08/24/2015 13:10 (-6 GTM)

                Madrid, Aug 24 (EFE) .- The Spanish Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Inigo Mendez de Vigo, next Wednesday will publish the results of the inspection in waters of Cadiz (South of Spain) to the remains of the frigate “Our Lady of Mercy” and the consequences of the plundering of the Odyssey.
The Ministry he reported today that Mendez de Vigo preside arrival and Preview in Cartagena (east) of the results collected in the archaeological expedition wreck of “Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes”.
The mission, organized by the Ministry in collaboration with the Spanish Oceanographic Institute (IEO) and the Navy, is the first to be held since Spain won the court case against the Florida courts by the plundering and its objective was to determine the state in which the ship and its environment is.
Mendez de Vigo will visit the ship it was performed issuing the “Angels Alvariño” IEO, and verify the results of the expedition before a news conference at the National Museum of Underwater Archaeology ARQUA study results.
The purpose of the expedition was not possible to recover more treasure that could house the frigate was plundered in 2007 by the American company, but scientifically documenting the state that is the site.
The research vessel “Angels Alvariño” has been since Aug. 17 in the waters of Cadiz.
The experts from the Ministry have had a robot – “ROV” – submarine, similar to that used the Odyssey in 2007, equipped with six engines, five cameras and two hydraulic arms for taking samples of solid and able to dive 1,100 meters that is the frigate.


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