Saturday, August 22, 2015

J.K. Rowling reveals what their favorite theory of Harry Potter –

The Tale of the Three Brothers is about the Deathly Hallows that obtained each: the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility. However, a recent theory of the fans pointed out that the three brothers actually represent three important personages of the magical universe. The brother who asked the Elder Wand would Voldemort, since its objective is to achieve absolute power with an invincible wand. The brother who wants the Resurrection Stone would Snape because he wants to resurrect his lost love: Lilly Potter while Harry Potter would actually be the third brother who craves the Invisibility Cloak to protect their loved ones

<. p> And Dumbledore? The theory adds that the best director of Hogwarts represents death as it is the only character who has been in possession of the three Deathly Hallows. The greatest fear is dying Voldemort and Dumbledore has sometimes been described as “the only magician who can not be feared.” In addition, the third brother who chooses the Invisibility Cloak defines death as “an old friend.” Who is Harry after death? A Dumbledore. It seems that everything fits

Source:. Today Cinema / LD


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