Saturday, August 22, 2015

J.K. Rowling says this crazy theory of ‘Harry Potter’ could be true – LifeBoxset

 Harry Potter Theory

Neftali /

Apparently the theories of fans around the world of Harry Potter never stop. And now J.K. Rowling , author of the book series, has shared what their favorite … and not only that, it also says it makes sense and logic would fit into books. Can you guess which one it is

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Good and bad news for fans of The Libertines

Why do you think that Voldemort is afraid Dumbledore ? According to this theory, because the former director of Hogwarts is actually death. This theory came from a story that reads Hermione which supposedly reveals a connection between Voldemort , Harry and Snape and also noted that Dumbledore is death. We leave this mini-story below.

Via Daily Dot.


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