Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Spain condemns the cancellation of the concert Matisyahu – Aurora

The Spanish government condemned the decision of a reggae festival to cancel a concert of Jewish musician Matisyahu for not responding to a request for explicit its position on a Palestinian state.

Spain It proposes in its statement that rejects boycott campaigns and any signs of anti-Semitism, while reiterating its support for an independent Palestinian state through bilateral negotiations.

“The imposition of a public statement (a Matisyahu ), put into question the principle of non-discrimination in all plural and diverse societies are based, “said Spanish Foreign Ministry.

The festival

Spanish issued its own reasoning for the cancellation in its statement: “Rototom Sunsplash, after searching for a dialogue with the unavailability of the artist to give a clear statement against war and the right of Palestinians to their own state, has decided to cancel the concert. ”

Matisyahu himself stated his position on his Facebook profile. “Honestly, it was awful and offensive, which has been coerced into a Jewish-American artist to make political statements Would any of the other artists who would act will asked to make political statements as a condition for participation? No artist should be put in a situation of this type for their art. “


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