Monday, August 31, 2015

Hollywood mourns Wes Craven – The Universal

The references horror film in Hollywood in recent decades today reacted with sadness and admiration for the death of Wes Craven, considered by many a teacher and mentor, creator of influential sagas as “A Nightmare on Elm Street” and ” Scream “.

Craven died Sunday at his home in Los Angeles at age 76 as a result of a brain tumor.

” My friend Wes left us too soon. It was a real director of the old school, I had a great directing. I am devastated by the news. Wes was a great friend, a good manager and a good man. huge loss, “wrote the director John Carpenter Two tweets.

Carpenter, 67, created the “Halloween” series (1978) and titles like “The Fog” (1980), “Escape from New York” (1981) and “The Thing “(1982), and had their orders to Craven in” Body Bags, “a television anthology of horror which premiered in 1993.

One of the regular contributors to Craven, the actor Robert Englund , 68, also turned to social networks to show their grief.

“Hollywood has lost a rare specimen with Wes Craven. A true gentleman, “said Englund, who played in the small and large screen murderer Freddy Krueger iconic of the series” A Nightmare on Elm Street “(Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984).

“Wes Craven Rest in peace, my director, my friend. A bright, friendly and very funny man. A sad on Elm Street and everywhere day. I’ll miss him, “said Englund.

” Today the world lost a great man, my friend and mentor, Wes Craven. My heart goes out to his family, “he said the actress Courteney Cox , who worked with the director on” Scream “(1996).

The death of Craven was felt also by the new generations of authors of horror, as the producer Jason Blum, whose company is behind the success “Paranormal Activity” (2007), “Insidious” (2010), “The Purge” (2013) and “Ouija” (2014 ), among others.

Blum, 46, published six tweets to remember the late author, who marked his career.

“The community of terror suffered a blow with the death of Wes Craven. We speak of a true pioneer. All his films pushed the genre forward because they had something to tell whether it was reflective of the Vietnam War, the adolescent anxiety, abuse or class struggle. We gave films with message and great scares, “Blum said.

The producer said Craven ability to” reinvent “and said that his work left a mark for” multiple decades of cinema “and” multiple generations Fan terror “.

A sorry Eli Roth, director of such films as” Cabin Fever “(2002), confessed in the morning that Craven was” one of his heroes of all time “.

“If someone in Los Angeles can see the moon right now seems like you are (so) in tribute to Wes. A moon dramatic departure from one of his movies, “said Roth, 43, who also made the saga” (2005) Hostel “.

James Wan, another industry benchmark figures in the years and responsible for the “Saw” (2004) series showed his disbelief at the news, calling Craven as one of his “greatest inspiration”.



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