Monday, August 17, 2015

Spain will resume in search of the remains of Garcia Lorca – Telesur TV

Once again seek the remains of Spanish poet and playwright, who was killed during the Civil War in Spain, which started in 1936 with the arrival of the dictator Francisco Franco to power.

It’s been 79 years since Franco’s rifles extinguished the life of Spanish poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca, who perished between Viznar and Alfacar like killed thousands of people just by thinking differently.

Lorca, other finalized after the coup that led to the Spanish Civil War, went to a mass grave, a fact that has not allowed to find his remains since then, as well as determine the exact date of his assassination.

However, according to most versions, the author of great works of Spanish theater as “The House of Bernarda Alba” was killed on August 17, 1936 by its republican ideas and his homosexuality .

Read also : Report Finds Franco regime murdered García Lorca

In 2012 he began a search that ended up being unsuccessful. The same story was repeated in 2014, after being suspended in March this year due to lack of financial support from the Government of Andalusia.

Tip: In the period between the coup and the death of Franco (1936-1975) it is estimated they were shot or 150 130 000 Spaniards, most of which remains in graves without locating. At the same time, 300,000 people were forced into exile, 270,000 were imprisoned and some 10,000 children were abducted Republican parents.

Finally, it seems that Lorca’s remains be exhumed next October, according to statements Prensa Latina archaeologist Javier Navarro.

The Board has alluded that have to wait for better weather conditions, which would undertake the search of the author of “Bodas de Sangre”.

The archaeologist said that the necessary resources were obtained by micro patronage and contribution from an anonymous donor, in addition to pledges of support from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, although the latter has not yet materialized.

Navarro expressed his conviction that the search earlier works were interrupted just 20 meters from where he was buried next to García Lorca teacher Dioscorus Galindo and Francisco Galadí banderilleros and Joaquin Hoops.

Tribute to the fallen

Again, as every year since 1986, will surrender a sense tribute to both Lorca as other victims of Franco, which involved family and different personalities of the Andalusian government.

The ceremony was held at the memorial park of Granada, where a wreath will be held both Lorca and the thousands of victims, because the Andalusian people do not want to go unnoticed.

The event will be “simple and moving” as declared by the provincial deputy of Culture and Historical and Democratic Memory and mayor of Alfacar, Fatima Gomez, which will feature a concert by Soleá Morente, accompanied on piano JJ Machuca.

In context:

The death did not come by chance Lorca. He was persecuted in the beginning, a fact that forced him to seek refuge in Granada in July 1936, following the arrest of Mayor Manuel Fernández-Montesinos, who was his brother.

“spying for the Russians, get in touch with them by radio, being secretary of Fernando de los Rios and be gay” are the accusations made by the Spanish Civil Guard during the detention of the poet, who He was arrested together with other civilians who were destined for the wall, according to the book “From New York to Fuente Grande” Irish Ian Gibson.

Not only the date of his death has been the center of speculation, but also because, as one version says that his murder was due to a family conflict while he was in the Huerta de San Vicente and not a political crime.

However, a report by Franco’s police 29 years after the fact, which was seen by the SER, indicates that at the time of arrest where the poet and playwright was surrounded was ” with great pomp by militias and Assault Guards “.

According to the police report, dated July 9, 1965, Lorca “was removed from the Civil Government for dependent forces thereof and driven in a car at the end of VIZNAR (Granada) and nearby the area known as “Big Fountain”, together with another detainee whose personal circumstances are unknown, was passed by the weapons after confessing. However, the text does not state what was the confession of Lorca.


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