Friday, August 28, 2015

Historical tasks of Ponce and Juli in Bilbao – This

SIXTH FAIR IN BILBAO Faenas historic Ponce and Juli

GREAT afternoon that took place yesterday in Vista Alegre, in which Julian Lopez “El Juli” was the winner of the festival, after curdling two important tasks before two good examples, where the race, the office and the power of Madrid were imposed to cut two ears but could be three the stage unfairly not given the second ear of the fifth after a strong request of the audience.
Enrique Ponce was a bullfighter and expertise to his lot, he cut off his ear to abreplaza after a task full of bullfighting. Miguel Angel Perera was willing attitude and round without achieving its performance after failure with steel. They were historic tasks of the two killers.
Sixth General for payment of runs. Almost full. Garcigrande bulls and Domingo Hernandez, correct appearance. Enrique Ponce (royal blue and gold) ear and ovation. El Juli (scarlet and gold) ear and ear. Miguel Angel Perera (mauve and gold): ovation ovation


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