Tuesday, August 25, 2015

One Direction: Niall Horan denies separation of the group – RPP News

Tuesday, August 25, 2015 | 8:11 a.m.

A member of One Direction This last Monday denied reports of the separation of the British group and stressed instead that the four members with a “rest” will be taken in 2016.

“Well, there are many rumors circulating. we will not separate, but we will take a rest at some point next year “, wrote Niall Horan, 21, on his Twitter account, followed by 23 million people.

Horan and denies the information published Monday by the British newspaper The Sun on a temporary separation of the group for a year for four members solo projects undertaken.

“Han been together for five years, an incredible time for a group. amply deserve at least a year to work on their own projects “, told the unidentified source, close to the group.

A spokesman for the pop band refused to comment the information of the British newspaper, which also indicated that the separation would be paid in March.

One Direction fans reacted quickly Monday to social networks announced separation before denied.

“I never cried so much” , said a fan on Twitter, while another Twitterer wrote. “I’m staying on the site”


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