Monday, August 3, 2015

Deadpool makes fun of everyone in the advancement of his trailer – FORTUNE

MEXICO CITY (CNNExpansión) – For an advance is no longer enough, the superhero of Marvel Deadpool released a trailer to announce that the first look at his film will be released Tuesday.

The superhero, characterized by never silent, it shows in the one-minute video in which he criticizes his film makes fun of the character, the protagonist Ryan Reynolds and Fox.

“The study inexplicably shut the mouth * $ #% for the first time, reached the five-time observer of the Academy Awards, Ryan Reynolds,” is one of the phrases you use.

20th Century Fox announced that the trailer for the film will be released Tuesday night during an appearance of Reynolds in the program of Conan O’Brien.

Deadpool will be released on February 12, 2016.


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