Sunday, October 2, 2016

Priest blames Harry Potter that has more exorcisms! – TVNotas

religious fanaticism, you may find problems where no one else sees them, so did a catholic priest from the United Kingdom to ensure thatand the saga movies and Harry Potter novels are stories full of alcohol and pornography, if this were little, are the main cause of the increase of exorcisms in that country.

Blame it all on Harry Potter.

This cure revealed to 'The Times' that read a novel by J. K. Rowling how to play the ouija give the devil access to control the body of the person.

According to his version, the people who have come to him to be subjected to an exorcism were linked, somehow, with the saga of 'Harry Potter'.

The priest who preferred to remain anonymous said that the young prefer to believe in facts of the supernatural in place of approach to the religion.

Before these statements, the Internet community reacted with annoyance, as the religious fanaticism only want to find guilty, without having any evidence.



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