Thursday, October 20, 2016

A October 20, was born the poet Arthur Rimbaud – EntornoInteligente

Notice Day / Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud

Arthur Rimbaud was born October 20, 1854 in Charleville-mezieres, in the department of Ardennes. The son of a peasant and of a military adventurer who abandoned his wife and children. A French poet of the school of symbolist. He studied in Charleville-mezieres, in the department of Ardennes. Gave samples of a great precocity of intellectual and began to write verses at the age of 10. At 17, he wrote a poem strikingly original, The boat, drunk (1871), and took him to the poet Paul Verlaine.

His work is deeply influenced by Baudelaire, by his lectures on the occult and by his religious preoccupation. His exploration of the subconscious individual and their experimentation with rhythm and language, that employs only by their value is evocative, marked the tone of the symbolism movement (decadent) and so impressed Verlaine that he encouraged the young poet to move to Paris. Began between them a friendship which was transformed into a stormy and unstable relationship that lasted from 1872 to 1873. They traveled together through England and Belgium. In this last country, Verlaine, tried on two occasions to kill the young poet by his infidelities, and he was severely wounded in the second attempt: Rimbaud ended up in the hospital and Verlaine in prison. Rimbaud offers a story that is allegorical about this matter in A season in hell (1873). At the exit of the hospital traveled through Europe, he devoted himself to the trade in North Africa and lived in Harar and Shoa, in A byssinia, central. Verlaine, convinced that Rimbaud was dead, compiled their poems in Illuminations (1886).

This work contains the famous Sonnet of the vowels, in which each of the five vowels is assigned a color. In 1891, Rimbaud returned to France to be treated for a tumor in the knee, as a result of which he died at the hospital of Marseilles in November of that same year. The force of his poems written between 10 and 20 years ago be among the most original French poets of all times and has exerted a profound influence on all the poetry back to him.

News of the Day

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