Monday, October 17, 2016

Operation Triumph, what a social phenomenon or plunked television? – Hypertext

idol came back yesterday to the grill exceeded all expectations. With 24.8% of audience, the special about the first edition of the music competition attracted almost five million viewers. The program, which brought together the 16 “triunfitos” that went through the Academy, became in the broadcast of sports most-watched of the season. On Twitter, eleven of the twenty # hashtags most popular of the night had a relationship with OT1.

Operation Triumph was a real social phenomenon, that clinched the fame to sixteen singers that no one knew about until that moment.

During a press conference in which they announced the three special about the first edition of operación Triunfo, Nina defined the program as a “social phenomenon that made history on television”. With an average of 12.9 million viewers, OT1 did not leave anyone indifferent. The contest, launched to fame in the sixteen anonymous people, chosen from among the over 5,000 volunteers that showed up to the castings. The program, devised by Gestmusic-Endemol to Spanish Tv, popular names such as David Bisbal, Chicago, Rosa, Manu Tenorio, David Bustamante. Their lives will not again be the same.

Operation Triumph, “the epic musical”

From a sociological point of view, there are numerous studies that have investigated the impact of the first edition of operación Triunfo. Although the contests represent a gender old inside the tv, there is no doubt that the new format proposed OT1 caught the attention of the audience to the point of becoming the most watched in the history of television from that there are private channels. According to María Dolores Cáceres, professor of Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid, the narrative model by the bet Operation Triumph was “the quest”.

The narrative model of OT1 was as simple as successful: the young people had to compete and work hard to win the prize

In other words, sixteen contestants anonymous went on to star in a heroic action, overcoming the adversities that proposed the different phases of the program through the embellishment of values as the capacity for work, perseverance, tenacity or effort. OT1 was able to crystallize the “Spanish dream” through the television cameras. The message was as simple as successful: the young people had to compete with each other to win the prize, to represent our country in Eurovision. “There was No competitiveness with each other”, said yesterday Rose for the special one. But what is certain is that some of the participants complained about the format of the programme and the focus on a certain genre of music. As example serve the words of Alejandro Parreño, she did not understand why we had to sing boleros when his true passion was rock.

operación triunfo

according To Cáceres, OT1 proposed a “model moralist where the good guys always win”. And, however, all were good, all won the competition. Rose, with its participation eurovisiva; Bisbal and Bustamante, as finalists; and the rest, with a promising future who have taken advantage of more or less successful. Even contestants such as Geno, expelled at the beginning of the contest, has managed to carve out a career in the world of music by creating an academy similar to the one organized in OT1. Unlike programs such as Big Brother, in the opinion of the sociologist of the COMPLUTENSE university of madrid, the proposal was conservative because it assumed “a return to the traditional values that keeps these young people of the latest fashion exhibition of the intimacy and exposure of passions immodest”.

critics of the contest report that Operation Triumph was based on a trap based on the idea of the “pitch of music”

But not everyone thought the same way. the Gustavo Bueno, a philosopher and professor emeritus of the University of Oviedo by that time, he harshly criticized the Spanish Tv program. “Operation Triumph is more trashy gossip tv that Big Brother,” he said. In his opinion, the contest was “emotionally obscene” to propose a trap: “the idea of the pitch, succeed in three months based ballads cheesy”. The own David Bustamante confessed yesterday how it changed his life: he went to work as a mason to see a lot of money in your bank account than you ever imagined.

the role of nostalgia… and the morbid curiosity

To trial Jordi Busquet, phd in Sociology by the Universitat Ramon Llull, Operation Triumph, entrenching the concept of television as a “principal factory of stories in the popular culture of the contemporary era”. The success of the contestants of OT1 is repeated with other famous current, that have been popularized as a “media products”. There is No doubt that the creators of the contest knew, and still know, to exploit that “dreams of fame” which has the audience. It does, however, by a proposal curious and original, introducing the “triunfitos” as normal people. Something similar was said Chicago during the press conference, where he described the three special as a “window to demonstrate that we are people, human”.

The creators know still today how to exploit the dream of the fame of the hearing, the same popularity that made some of the finalists

Operation Triumph made pedagogy on the “road” that had to be followed for getting the success. And his model worked: in the first edition were presented to 5,000 people to the castings. In the second edition, this figure was then multiplied by thirty. More critical is the journalist and sociologist Margarita Rivière, when he argues that the fame of OT1 is a “project of life, a school of competition that reaffirms the idea that anonymity is a punishment and rewards social recognition to the individuality.” According to Mercè Oliva, the success and the fame of this tv contest based on a complex model, in which not only played a key role in the values of talent and effort. The physical appearance, dress or manner of speech also had an important role in the outcome of the program.

operación triunfo

despite the fact that prominent singers and composers saw with skepticism the first edition of operación Triunfo, many now support their success. the Pancho Varona, in an interview in JotDown, stated that “the first generation of OT was the best by far”. The composer and musician Joaquín Sabina welcomed participants to what had “worked” after the end of the event on television. The competition, which even came to be used as an example for the processing of the Law of educational Quality in the Government of the people’s Party, swept in from record sales, concert tickets or products of merchandising. But there are aspects that now more unnoticed, as the gala where contestants are opposed to the Iraq war.

nostalgia for what we live for fifteen years, and the curiosity of seeing gathered together for the “triunfitos” also explain the success of the reunion

there is No doubt that Operation Triumph marked a turning point in the history of television. His return to the screen has surpassed new expectations, while also demonstrating the important role played by the nostalgia or curiosity supposed to see again assembled in pairs as that formed David Bisbal and Chicago. The return of the “triunfitos” comes in a context in which they have taken fashion as the Pokémon GO, or the return of Blink 182. Perhaps the homesickness of those who fifteen years ago were living the adolescence is the seed that has germinated this success. Social phenomenon or plunked television, OT1 has returned. Although you may never got to go at all.


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