Friday, October 28, 2016

Dylan said, “if you can go to receive the Nobel – LA NACION (Argentina)

Were 15 days exact of silence in which, however, is said much. Since he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature to Bob Dylan, there were discussions on the relevance of the prize. The poet, however, did not express any opinion on the recognition and all the while other people spoke. The Swedish academy gave up to establish a contact with him, and even Pär Per Wästberg, one of its members, said that was “rude and arrogant”. But it lacked the word from Dylan himself. Yesterday, finally, the silence was broken, and it happened in the most unexpected way and too late, as it could not be otherwise in the case of Dylan, who after all had always a sharp edge, a little avant-garde. Were only a few statements, a few word s, for the british newspaper The Telegraph: “Yes, without a doubt, I will go to the ceremony in Stockholm, if I can do it”. In addition, the Nobel Foundation issued a press release in which ensures that Dylan already made contact with the Academy. “I appreciate the honor,” he said to Sara Danius, the permanent secretary of the institution.

Bob Dylan. Photo: File / AP

Clear that up until 10 December, the date of the award ceremony of the Nobel peace prize, is still missing a time, that, in the case of Dylan, may bring still other surprises. As it is, it is the first time that the poet alludes to your condition of winner. Opportunities to do no shortage. The night in which it was learned that he had won gave a recital in which he did not say a word, and there was after other recitals that are also silent. According to Edna Gunderson in the chronicle of The Telegraph, Dylan is excited when talking about the Nobel, and he feels glad to have earned it. “I still can hardly believe it.” It is true that his name began to be mentioned twenty years ago, but the poet seems not to have been never taken seriously that nomination. “It’s amazing, really amazing. Who would be encouraged to even dream of something like that?” But, after all, the whole life of Dylan was a series of dreams, and he knew how to wait without expectatio ns. As when you write a song: “Everything worthwhile takes a long time. You have to write one hundred bad songs before a good one”, he says Gunderson.

But why is not answered until now the phone calls of the academy? The answer is simply: “Well, here I am.” There is No lack, for him, more explanations.


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