Friday, October 21, 2016

The Nobel prize for Orpheus –

1. "Prince Hamlet is in any part of the totem pole, humming a ditty very flat". So begins the end of Tarantula, a literary text written by Dylan for the twenty-three years, in his characteristic prose automatic or stream of consciousness, a technique full of images in succession where the narrative voices and tenses change: your editor said that the book referred to in the editorial as that, a gender dylanesco.

2. The ship Argos has been driven by a fast wind and is approaching the island of Sirens, the account of Pascal Quignard. From it rises a wonderful voice. Then Orpheus climbs to the bridge of the ship and tañe with his lyre of nine strings a counter-singing extremely fast to reject that call. The crew resists the fascination of the song. Butes no. Let your bank and jumps to the sea: "Nothing through the waves that boil". Bob Dylan is Orpheus, Bob Dylan is Butes: polyhedral, protein, chameleon.

3. The rock music has its origins in the blues, which is yours in voodoo. One of the most significant images of the voodoo is that of the crossroads, doors giving access to the border areas, cracks between the worlds, zones of force majeure. As that concert anticlimático of your tour is never-ending in the City of Mexico. Bob Dylan was teloneado by The Wolves and came out to the stage with a pint of Mercury the of Shakespeare, but also with the distant calm of the Greek god now dress cowboy minstrel. Disguised his classic songs, remade the melodies and magnetizó to the hearing without making any more concession than that: no concession. The sorcerer led by your own ceremony and during two hours, an experience of possession, there was a rhythm acid and a voice gangosa, metal, sometimes of sand, a counter-chant shamanic interpreted, a rock.

4. It was not only Faust —although it still retained the power of an obsession and the impulse irresistible to experiment— but something more erudite and sophisticated, akin to Rimbaud and Baudelaire, which was to proceed to one or another form of synthesis-tight mixing various genres such as rock and "music magic" of the folk tradition. "A Hard Rain’s a-gonna Fall" would combine an enchantment rhythmic, hypnotic more of a surreal imagery of intellectual intended for the consciousness was lucid, the cognitive perception: only related. The interior monologue of James Joyce in the lyrics of Bob Dylan.

5. Among its transformations, converting Dylan to christianity, born again represented the most misunderstood. John Lennon parodió his sublime song "Gotta Serve Somebody", and until today that time many will fail. As always I would composed the music unforgettable. The critics said that neither the age nor the conversion altered its temperament, "essentially iconoclastic". Perhaps the rough minstrel wanted to know what it meant to the assignment of the existential freedom to the certainties uncritical of the revelation, and incurred in bad taste, he, who is beyond the taste, of harangue in favour of a cause metaphysics then you have rejected, years ago, the military in a political cause of the liberal left. The eccentricities of Orpheus.

6. Chains of flashing images that Ginsberg sees in the style of Dylan, from Jack Kerouac and his writing, beat, hit, impressionist, mild, and quick, which runs between a fluid of sensations and ideas of the literary character. The many authors that nurtured Dylan —a book out of other books and an author departs from other authors— are the chain of links and belongings, cultural that define it. This is a rhapsody, a singer, like those of the Greek origin, when the aedos came before the people to let you listen to the sorcery epic of the myths and take it to another place.

7. The other is the least, although it could be partially true: if Dylan needs the Nobel or not, if you give it is abaratarlo, if there are others more deserving that he stayed on the road. His songs touched the consciousness of the time and the mentality of the counterculture, and the society of the spectacle appears to have alienated himself hopelessly popular music. The Swedish Academy named Homer as an illustrious ancestor of the work of Dylan. Its versatility mercurial would have reminded the Greek sagacity of Ulysses Mañero, its mutation to the circumstances, their adaptability creative.

All that will have been then a prophecy: the times are changing, and Orpheus will come to close the cycle of forms and rhythms. The times conclude, the jinn do not.


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