Saturday, October 15, 2016

“The Nobel peace prize to Dylan is like putting a medal mount Everest to be the highest in the world –

The musician and canadian singer Leonard Cohen referred to the Nobel Prize for Literature, which this year was given to Bob Dylan. “For me it’s like putting a medal mount Everest to be the highest in the world. Dylan is so great that the prize is just a detail, “in addition a “no brainer”.

At 82 years old, Cohen is in full media campaign for his latest album titled “You want it darker” and in that plan gave a long interview to the newspaper El País, in which he spoke of the new songs, how occurs the process of composition, of its position in the face of death, and obviously on the news that rocked the world of music, the Nobel prize for Literature to Bob Dylan.

In the song that gives name to his last studio work, Cohen sings: “Hineni, Hineni (here I am, in Hebrew) / I’m ready, Lord,” and that was the trigger for the first question of the interview would focus on your current state of health. The question also is anchored in addition in a previous note, in which the singer had said that he was “ready to die”.

“I Said that he was willing to die. I think I was exaggerating. I intend to live forever,” Cohen said, and after a carton is referred to the process of composition in this stage of your life. “Any composer, and he knows Dylan better than anyone, know that you are going to write songs anyway. If you’re lucky, you keep your vehicle healthy and prepared over the years. If you’re lucky, because your purposes have little to do with that. Last much not really your choice”.

The reference to Bob Dylan comes to story. No one will deny that just a few hours ago the music world was rocked by the announcement that the Nobel prize in Literature this year will be for Dylan. In the environment is present, the fact that Cohen was always in the pools for the day on which the Swedish committee decided to reward one of these two poets huge in addition to sing. The Prince of Asturias did in 2011. Cohen did not need to ask for the prize.

“I’m going to say something that will give you the Nobel Prize. For me it is like putting a medal mount Everest being the highest in the world,” he said. Dylan is so large, according to Cohen, the award is just a detail, in addition to a no-brainer.

“I often say that if I knew where to leave the good songs, I would go there more often”, says Cohen when asked about his routine creative. “Everyone has their own magic system they use with the hope that it open the channels. My mind has always been very messy, so I’m looking for ways to simplify my environment. Because if my environment is as messy as my head, could not go to or from one room to another. The system works for me to me, despite having to sweat every word.”


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