Tuesday, May 10, 2016

“Inferno” has trailer – Diario El País

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The film Inferno , based on the novel by Dan Brown, one writer who did read the world over the descendants of Jesus and murders in the Vatican, has its first trailer.

While the book professor Robert Langdon has a certain grace and captures the attention of the female lead in Inferno is again starring Tom Hanks, who portrayed Langdon in the previous chapters of the saga and has very little chemistry on screen with his female counterpart, this time played by Felicity Jones.

The story of this film focuses on Langdon looking for a shady character, who hide several cities in Italy and Turkey, the clues to reveal his plans. These include the deaths of millions of people, since following the philosophy of Malthus, seek to purify our planet than spare him in this human case.

id="m338-3-339"> As there will always be a part of the plot that comes to art and symbolism, this time will not be Leonardo da Vinci, or the seals of the Illuminati, but a former poet and a darker vision of ourselves: Dante Alighieri.

Inferno reunites Oscar winners Tom Hanks with director Ron Howard, who started this journey with The Da Vinci Code. And although still lacking for 28 October, when the film is released, today we have the official trailer.


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