Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Adele croquettes called for in Barcelona and take advantage of it – The 40

It’s very Spanish to cash in the least and how could it be otherwise, Adele comes to Spain and Barcelona already rubbing their hands with their visit. Merchandising, Adele cocktails in bars, the Adeleburguer in a restaurant … everything possible to attract the attention of fans of the singer.

For in the end both take advantage, which has been tied up. A few days ago, Adele dining in a restaurant in the old city, Mont Bar. There requested croquettes with ham, among other typical products of the Spanish cuisine. Well, someone came up with a happy idea. A member of the bar would tell the other:. “See that lady who’s there half hidden and a hat that covers her face as to not see it As it is Adele I’m going to take a picture, we went up to Instagram and petamos … “(that’s how we imagine it happened).

of course, the picture begins to viralizarse and international marketing team sends Adele withdraw because they have hanged without permission without not even ask, or their hair falls to the bar …

Finally successful, because once published, the photo is already there, although have deleted from your Instagram. And advertising have done, because even himself … Arnold Arnold Shc Chs … Arnold Swez … Well, that until the very Terminator wanted to try them. If looking painting have !!!


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