Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Spanish Antonio Colinas Reina Sofía Iberoamerican Poetry Award – W Radio

Madrid, May 18 (EFE) .- The Spanish Antonio Colinas today won the XXV Reina Sofía Iberoamerican Poetry Award, in recognition of the whole work of a living author who has increased the Latin American cultural heritage.

Considered the Cervantes of poetry and endowed with 42,100 euros (US $ 47,663), the prize of National Heritage and the University of Salamanca, he was awarded by a prestigious jury, which met today at the Royal Palace of Madrid, where he announced his verdict .

Hills, born in the town of Leon La Bañeza (north) in 1946, it is essential to understand not only contemporary poetry written in Spanish language, but also to delve into a way of thinking where reason and emotion go hand in hand, following María Zambrano, one of the leaders of the poet

“His verse never lacks pace, has a unique sound, is a poet tall.” said the winner also a poet Luis Alberto de Cuenca, one of the jurors and expert on the work of “a man who has not played another task to write” and “has been several years in the waiting room of the award.”

Basin glossed the figure of this member of the Generation of the Last Things, which evolved from a culturalist poetry to another “more Zambrano” and whose poetic personality have influenced, in addition to Zambrano, Virgil and St. John of the Cruz.

“it works with classical meters as dodecasyllabic and Alexandrian without be corset to give vent to his personal voice,” he added about the author of “Sepulchre in Tarquinia” one of the key works of contemporary literature.

in addition to remembering his work as a translator of Italian authors, Cuenca stressed that Antonio Colinas is also “a good man, an endearing person who has no enemies and everyone wants because it is a great person as well as a great poet. “

Another member of the jury, the Chilean writer Jorge Edwards, said the award-winning” it is a great poet and remarkable essayist who has even written his memoirs ; is an intellectual, a man of very full letters and their knowledge of the Italian literary tradition is extremely stimulating. “

National Critics Prize, National Book Award and National Translation Prize in Italy, Antonio Colinas he has asked the rector of the University of Salamanca, Daniel Hernandez, also a member of the jury and who has called him to communicate his decision if “it was a joke” and, finding that no, he was “truly happy and very excited. “

His candidacy has been chosen from among the 65 presented by prominent poets who write in Spanish or Portuguese.

Antonio Colinas was defined as a” universalist “in a recent interview with Efe on the occasion of the publication of “Memories of the pond”, an unusual biography in which he mixes storytelling, essays, history and poetry, Basin strongly recommended.

“I’m universalist front end ‘ globalist ‘and declare myself inhabitant of this planet, which we are all united by culture and humanism. That is what should be used because this globalism is creating a numbed and atomized society, “claimed Colinas.

Queen Sofia will present the award that bears his name next fall at an event hosted by the Palace Real.

Among the winners in the most recent editions of the Queen Sofia Prize include Ida Vitale (2015), María Victoria Atencio (2014), Nuno Judice (2013), Ernesto Cardenal (2012), Fina García Marruz (2011), Francisco Brines (2010), Jose Emilio Pacheco (2009), Pablo García Baena (2008), Blanca Varela (2007), Antonio Gamoneda (2006), Juan Gelman (2005) and Jose Manuel Caballero Bonald (2004) . EFE

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