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Actor Mark Salling, known for his role in the series of televison Glee , was charged with two federal charges of receiving and possessing child pornography images.
According to a statement released by the Prosecutor’s Office Central District of California US, the actor agreed to surrender 33 on June 3, day he will appear before a federal court in Los Angeles.
Salling was arrested for possession of child pornography in Los Angeles in December and released shortly after on bail of US $ 20,000.
it is expected to be charged in a county court, but given “the scope of the collection” possessed, the case was referred to federal prosecutors, according to the Office of the Prosecutor.
on the computer hard drive seized “thousands of images and videos of child pornography” , detailed the researchers, who “still reviewing the material.”
found De If convicted, Salling could receive a maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison.
“Those who download and possess child pornography create a market that causes more children to be hurt,” said Attorney Eileen M. Decker in the statement.
Joseph Macias, special agent in charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security of Los Angeles, said agent: “the traditional stereotype about the kind of people who commit crimes of sexual exploitation is not consistent with reality” .
He added: “as our researchers can attest, charged with child pornography belong to all ages and walks of life ”
. Salling played the bad boy Noah “Puck” Puckerman in the musical comedy Glee , which aired on Fox from 2009-2015.
Its representatives have not yet made statements about the charges .
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