El building is located between a gallery of the V century BC Within the old city, near the agora. AP / FILE
- the director of excavations states that have “very strong indications that clear certainty ‘
the team of diggers concludes that a bare building in 1996 could be the mausoleum
“We have no proof, but very strong indications that border on certainty,” said the director of excavations, Konstandinos Sismanidis, told local media.
Sismanidis presented the results at the international conference “Aristotle – two thousand 400 years,” held at the University of Thessaloniki.
The team around Sismanidis it concluded that a bare building in 1996 in those excavations can not be anything other than the mausoleum of Aristotle, after analyzing two manuscripts in which reference was made to transfer of the ashes of the philosopher to his hometown.
A archaeologists working in Estagira since the beginning of the 1990s surprised that in the midst of a fortification of the Byzantine period were remains of a building, whose characteristics do not coincide with the time or with later eras.
Findings inside the ruins of the building -coin Alexander the Great and his successors put its construction at the beginning of the Hellenistic period.
The roof remains found in this archaeological site they showed that it had made real factory tiles, demonstrating that it was a public building.
The building is located between the V century B.C. gallery and a temple of Zeus sixth century B.C., within the old city near the agora, and panoramic views.
On the floor of the building is a rectangle of 1.30 by 1.70 meters, which corresponds to an altar.
All these indications and the fact that the shape of the building did not allow ascribing other use than a tomb, archaeologists raised the suspicion that it was a mausoleum.
Finally, they concluded that probably the person who was dedicated the mausoleum was Aristotle with the help of two old documents: a translation into Arabic of the eleventh century A.D. a biography of the Greek philosopher and manuscript No. 257 of the Marciana Library of Venice.
Both documents state that when Aristotle died in 322 B.C. in the city of Halkida (current Chalkida) the people of Stagira moved their ashes to a copper urn, put it in a mausoleum and next to them built an altar.
the legal situation in which is involved the enclosure ‘days are numbered’ said Rodolfo Gonzalez Reyes, director of Murtv. THE INFORMER / R. Tamayo
- Arts. Await resolution
The space will continue to operate normally despite the TAE ordered to suspend its business license problems with the terrain
“they have not given us part or notification, are obviously aware of the situation because the issue of land already appeared before, our policy remains that legal and political issues the handle there, therefore we have nothing to say about that, “said Gonzalez Reyes on the issue arising from the complaint Hector Marcos Medina Orendain, who claims to be the real owner of the property where Palcco is built.
Director of Murtv accepted that, as mentioned earlier the City of Zapopan, activities for which a permit already exists, but not for new may be made as required. “If we need another permit may be the eventual situation but until now we have not requested. Our activities are normal. This is a matter which days are numbered, we have all so orderly, so legal, there is no fear about it. “
The bet. Dario Leopérfido shared details of the project involving all of Latin America. THE INFORMER / R. Tamayo
- FIMPro. Present the OLA
The initiative seeks to create more shows at lower cost and increase public interest in the lyric genre
President of OLA, Dario Lopérfido, also minister of culture of the city of Buenos Aires and director of the Teatro Colon in the capital of Argentina, chattered with Informer on the importance of an initiative such as OLA, founded in 2007. “the role of OLA is to build a network between the theaters that already operate, to take a lot of energy and rage. Allowing is the exchange, counseling, help each other and having co-productions “. The minister of Buenosairean culture added that OLA is similar to Opera Europe or Opera America, networks theaters in Europe or the United States, respectively institution
This collaborative network allows more shows at lower cost.: “we can build co-productions between two, three, four theaters. Generating low prices: it costs an opera is divided by four, and the same opera can be seen by most citizens in the countries involved. Better negotiate with artists, with copyright, “Darius said.
On the advantages of production together, Martí (executive director of OLA and director of the Municipal Theater of Santiago in Chile) he said: “opera rates usually are maintained. Yes there is a price reduction, but when the public pays its entrance is a quarter of production. Some productions leave no deficit, allows us to perform other productions. ” “It has a social revenue: if we save on production, we can invest in technology, it’s what we do. Or coproduction in works for children: achicamos costs and those savings the work is free for children from public schools in marginalized areas, “said Dario
OLA also has the ability to brand a lot.. It Dario talked: “In the Colón Theatre premiered a lot: we have two rooms, and in a much premiered contemporary works. With the network can know each other, make your trip more work, circulate among the partners. The existence of a network makes new artists are better known. ” Culture plays an important role in society, in the opinion of Darius Lopérfido. During his talk, he emphasized the role that cultural activities and entertainment in generating direct and indirect jobs.
More technology and access
Alejandra Marti shared some of the technological advances in the network of theaters “from Chile recently began with streaming, like the Mayor Teatro Julio Mario Santo Domingo (of Colombia) while the Teatro Colon has a radius of its historical archive, in addition to live broadcasts when they function. Their transmissions the premiered with Daniel Barenboim function, which exceeded 72,000 online viewers. “
To Lopérfido, the goal is” the greatest number of people access content “because one of the goals is the generation of new audiences. In that sense, Martí said a communication strategy Chilean theater to break down the prejudices around bel canto: the clothes, the price and the barrier enclosure as an inaccessible building for ordinary people are some of the myths that fight <. / p>
Another role of OLA is external advice: “not only among us: anyone who asks us teaching work can do. We have much experience in the work of theater for children. It has particularities: specific work to shorten scores, create adaptations. It is a job that few people know, and that we offer to institutions that want to know about this. We work as a foundation that works for what our own, but we have no problem with providing these consulting services “.
they are personal photographs, which do not portray the glamor of the artist, but an ordinary person. EFE / FILE
- This is a sign that recalls the only concert of the singer in Mexico
the collection -of 13 pieces- photographer Fernando Aceves will be opened from within the Fimpro
David Bowie (1947-2016) was a British musician and composer, innovator for his work in the 70s and his peculiar voice, in addition to the depth intellectual of his work.
photographs hosting the MUSA are part of a series of more than 70 pieces that Fernando Aceves took David Bowie in analog format, before the only concert offered in Mexico
October 1997. they are personal photographs that do not portray the glamor of the artist, but an ordinary person, which was a watershed for Mexican photographer, who allowed him to work with other artists.
Aceves captured images of David Bowie during his visit to Teotihuacan, the home of Frida Kahlo, National Palace, Fine Arts, among other venues.
photos show the integration of the artist with the places visited. “A Bowie nicknamed him ‘The Chameleon’ and my work does justice to that nickname, since there is a complete mimicry of him with the works. An embrace of his art with art found here.”
for the exhibition, Fernando Aceves chose those photographs that summarize key two-day stay in Mexico by British artist. One of the pieces shown with a mask during his visit to the home of Frida Kahlo and was published in the newspaper “Le Parisien” of France.
The exhibition is also a tribute to Bowie. “This would have liked. Even I would be here if he could.”
Photographer met the British artist during his tour in Mexico, but admits that it was for him an influence in music since childhood.
Aceves was born in Mexico city in 1965 and for 25 years has been spent working photographic documentation of virtually all genres of music, both at home and abroad. He has worked for rock stars like Paul McCartney and bands like Pink Floyd and Rolling Stones.
The opening of the exhibition made Secretary of Linking and Cultural Diffusion University of Guadalajara , Angel Igor Lozada Rivera Melo; Jose Fors, a member of the rock band Cuca and Fernando Aceves own.
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