Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Are important Pharaonic mummy lady in Aswan – Informador.com.mx

La mummy’s face is covered by a painted and made of ‘cartonage’, which is a mixture of bandages and plaster mask. THE INFORMER / FILE

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    • Spanish archaeologists made the discovery

    Sattjeni was found in two wooden sarcophagi in the necropolis of Qubbet the -Hawa, in the Valley of the Nobles

    CAIRO, EGYPT (24 / MAY / 2016) .- Spanish archaeologists have discovered Sattjeni the mummy of a noblewoman who was “the custodian of dynastic blood” in the Egyptian city of Aswan, he told Efe the head of the mission, Alejandro Jimenez.

    The Mummy Sattjeni, “daughter, wife and mother of governors,” said Jimenez, was found in two wooden sarcophagi in the necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa, in the Valley of the Nobles, which excavates the Spanish team since 2008.

    This lady of the Middle Kingdom dynasty XII was the mother of the main governors of Elephantine, Heqaib III and Amaney-Seneb, who led the area between 1810 and 1790 BC

    The director of Egyptian Antiquities Mahmoud Afifi, he said today in a statement that Sattjeni daughter of the emir was also Sarenput II and “one of the leading personalities of the time.”

    For Jimenez, the importance of finding -made the March 5 but not announced until today it is that this family was “just below the Pharaoh” Amenemhat III (1800-1775 a. C. ) in the hierarchy of Aswan.

    The mummy’s face is covered by a painted and made of “cartonage” which is a mixture of plaster bandages and explained the Spanish archaeologist mask.

    The sarcophagi, cedar of Lebanon, are carved and have hieroglyphic writings that allowed Sattjeni identify and date the grave.

    The inner coffin is in “good condition,” he said in his statement the head of Antiquities.

    The mission of the University of Jaen led by Jimenez works since 2008 in the necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa, excavations that have given “good results”.

    Among the findings highlighted the oldest case of breast cancer in the remains of a woman dating from the late pharaonic dynasty VI (year 2200 A.C.).

    These excavations are gradually shedding light on Elephantine’s ruling family during this period and about the inner workings of these dynasties of provincial governors.

    The necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa is located in front of the modern city of Aswan, about a thousand kilometers south of Cairo, and in it the Spanish mission has found along different campaigns around 60 tombs carved into the rock of the hill.

    One. Beyonce as painting of the nineteenth century. SPECIAL / Eisen Bernard

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    • Proposal. It is able to mix paint with music

    The artist Eisen Bernanrd ensures that popular culture and art are not quarreling and can even merge

    UNITED STATES (24 / MAY / 2016) .- a year ago his project, Mag + Art Eisen Bernanrd revolutionized Tumblr when he decided to mix covers of magazines famous paintings. Today everyone remembers the mash-up with Angelina Jolie on the cover of a magazine on the merits of “The Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli, or that one in which the leading actress of “Pride and Prejudice”, Keira Knightley as a girl with a pearl Earring Jan Vermeer. Both collages follow will rotate by the networks and the feeling that was a reinterpretation of the art world still persists.

    But the young artist has decided to grow the idea that emerged from the magazines and went viral, she says Eisen, are their followers who asked to replace the magazines disks and thus mix the world of pop music with the great masters of painting. Something that at the beginning was a challenge for him, who had already gotten used to the format of magazines. In this new series of montages we are mythical covers as the “White Album” by The Beatles mixed with the work of artist Robert Rauschenberg, “Orange Channel” Frank Ocean embedded in an orange Fernando Botero or components of Sigur Rós (in “MEÐ SUÐ í eYRUM vIÐ sPILUM eNDALAUST”) running cross country for “the world of Cristina” imagined the painter Andrew Wyeth.

    But it has also done work we would have never thought that would be part of the same piece, like the mixture to Michael Jackson with Van Gogh, the Doors with Dylan Hopper or a Monet painting. Other surprising mixtures are stuck in a box on the bourgeois life of the late nineteenth century or Prince as a man of the Renaissance Britney Spears.

    The Filipino artist says that it does not have mystery, he said “the photography principles are the same as those painting, so everything can be mixed “. Perhaps he does not have mystery. But for the rest is not less than fascinating.

    Listed high. The piece “A Life in the Theatre” was one of the highest price when sold. SPECIAL /

  • Frida Kahlo brand new record in art auctions
  • will be auctioned works by Latin American artists
    • Roberto Montenegro peaked in the value of his work

    the Morton house put on auction several paintings of Mexican artists who surpassed in some cases, sales expectations

    GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (24 / MAY / 2016) .- collecting art has at auction a chance to become valuable pieces, sometimes below cost prices that are quoted works on the international market. In addition to being offered the opportunity to bid on art and artists simply, focusing interest in unique pieces with the certainty that they are authentic.

    On Thursday May 19 Morton Auctions held its auction of Latin American art auction where placed in such important works of painters such as José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera and Juan Soriano. But it was the work of Roberto Montenegro, entitled “A Life in the Theatre”, an oil on canvas, which the buyer interest was because the painting was sold at one million 800 thousand pesos, a price that is greater than has reached the international level, the work of Montenegro and valuation marks a milestone for the work of painter born in Guadalajara in 1887; died in 1968.

    Sofia Duarte, appraiser specialist in Latin American art auctions in the Morton house, said that is the auction in which the part of Montenegro was the most expensive second is the most important . the first half

    the dynamics of the auctions are simple: stellar night before an exhibition with works to be auctioned is mounted. The last Thursday was from the Saturday before, people can go and see the pieces to decide whether to be recorded in the auction and then bid on the works of interest. In the last auction were two auctioneers, Rafael Perez and Hector Paez also start chaired by Luis Lopez Morton, owner of the company.

    “All the pieces we include them for some reason: either because they have been in major exhibitions, which are published, are a plus. They are always known artists. There were works by Roberto Montenegro, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Jose Clemente Orozco, Juan Soriano. Artists recognized international level. ” But there were jaliscienses with presence in the auction catalog, as are Gerardo Murillo (Dr. Atl), Manuel González Serrano, Carlos Orozco Romero, Jesús Guerrero Galván, Raul Anguiano and Enrique Guzman. Among Latin Americans there are painters like Carlos Cruz-Diez and Jesús Rafael Soto, besides European artists but with a career and life in Mexico, as Mathias Goeritz.

    Among the works to be auctioned was “Screen snaked “Rodolfo Morales, which reached higher price because of having an estimated value of three million 800 thousand pesos was sold three million 500 thousand pesos.

    On the evaluation process, Sofia Duarte says the team Morton fixed output prices of the works: “What we do is to study the results of similar works by the artist. In Mexico and abroad. From this a price proposal is made. In the catalog are two prices are estimated selling, “said Sofia Duarte. This figure is the price at which the work is expected to be sold at auction, but the pieces always start by 15 percent below.

    Painters of Jalisco

    • Carlos Orozco Romero, “Portrait of Rocio Sagaón.” Sold at $

    • Raul Anguiano, “Coscomate”.
    sold at $ 120.000

    • Jesus Guerrero Galvan, “Tree”.

    • Juan Soriano, “Portrait of Graciela and Mercedes Lopez de la Vega”.

    • José Clemente Orozco, “Perico”.
    sold in $ 140.000

    • Roberto Montenegro, “a life in the theater.”
    Sold at $ 1,800,000

    • Dr. Atl, “rocky landscape”.
    Sold at $ 450.000

    The highest selling price

    • Rodolfo Morales, “Screen snaked”.
    Sold at $ 3 ‘ 500,000

    • Roberto Montenegro, “a life in the theater.”
    Sold at $ 1,800,000

    • Rodolfo Morales, Untitled.
    Sold in $ 1,400,000

    a new auction

    Sofia ahead of an upcoming auction Morton: “for the second half we will have a auction of contemporary art, with different formats: installation, fotovideo. This has already been explored previously, we had contemporary art auctions. We are planning a September this year. “

    Participants. From left to right, Ricardo Calderon, Gustavo Orozco (of cap), Santiago Fulfilled and Andrés Haro. THE INFORMER /

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    • Teatro Degollado. “The bore of Sayula”

    It will be a weekend full of tradition with this painted with dyes legend assembly and mood

    GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (24 / MAY / 2016) .- Andrés Haro, tapatía band of staff, that the first time he read the famous poem” the anima Sayula “was delighted by his humor and musicality implied. We is why with teammate Gustavo Orozco decided musicalizar the text to suit a stage show, with the presence of singer-actors, which will be presented on Saturday May 28 at the Teatro Degollado.

    “We found a the task of searching the jalisciense literature works containing as staple mood, we realized that although in popular speech humor and albur much handled in literature was practically nonexistent, “says Haro, until they got with the aforementioned text, which was written in 1897 by Theophilus Pedroza.

    the founder of the cult band said that as the story is staged one jalisciense people thought the sound was regional. “We chose the traditional mariachi instrumentation, which are two violins, a vihuela, guitarr and guitarrita coup. We also wanted to get away from this method of producing the rock in which we have moved where the voice is really into the mix, we felt that the poem was important enough to get the word out protagonist “.

    for that invited opera singers Santiago Fulfilled (tenor), Ricardo Calderon (tenor) and Pepe Quezada (baritone) to participate with musicians Simon Casasola and Gilberto Cervantes (violins), Eugenio Romero (vihuela), Omar Nungaray ( bass guitar) and Gustavo Orozco (Guitar). “The story is about a ghost who is in a cemetery, we wanted to keep away all the clichés about the ghosts, deep voice and all. We invite the tenor Santiago Fulfilled so that the bore has a heavenly voice, humor is the face thread of all this, “said Haro.

    About the rotation of the project, which has the support of Culture UdeG through the Department of Music, the artist noted that this will depend on the response from the public have. “If it will not be to the liking of those who come to see her I would be very hesitant to be resubmitted but vice versa, if you and experts like and recommend, probably college proceed to replace it, it is a unique event.”

    Gustavo Orozco said the vihuela is considered the mariachi battery, so the merger with opera singers and a video mapping a very interesting result is achieved. “We wrote 26 songs, in June last year started working, compose takes something from you and you’re giving people, are with the excitement of presenting this.”

    classical singers on stage

    the poem “the bore of Sayula” takes place in a single act of 55 minutes three characters. Ricardo Calderon (Apollonius) stressed that after being in other parts of the country gives them gladly return to his homeland to make a work of this nature. “It’s something new because I have a classical training, to make this type of participation is very funny, entertaining and close to the popular slang, something for which I am happy.”

    Santiago Fulfilled, who plays the bore , said the project catches since listening to the assembly. “I really liked the arrangement, it does not feel a merger, but as a genre in itself, you’re listening more open, universal harmonies, talking the bore of Sayula I realized the depths”.


    “the bore of Sayula” at the Teatro Degollado
    May 28, 21:00
    Tickets:.. $ 80 $ 250 pesos for sale at Ticketmaster and lockers.


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