Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Letters reveal an unknown facet – El Diario de Yucatan



Camilo Jose Cela Conde MADRID, son of the author of “La Colmena”, addressed the figure of his father in “Cela, hide in (Destination)” book that gets an “unknown” aspect of the Prize Nobel Literature: the writer who “shouts relief and is alone and desperate”

a few years ago, Cela Conde received from his mother a box “with a barbaric surprise.”: thousands of letters and documents. “She told me they had no interest, but of course I knew it was not. What happens is that you had to wait to read them, because I did with my parents in life would have been churlish “, reports Europa Press.


Among those documents was the correspondence between Cela and his first wife, Rosario Conde, which appeared a different picture they had of him Cela. “It was an anxious and full of contradictions young, changing the perception we all had it,” he stressed Cela Conde in the presentation of the book.

This discovery forced him to consider that his first title on the Galician writer, “Cela, my father,” was “a failure”, which started a new work in which include these letters though there are still many who “could not be read carefully” and, therefore, not included -.

in this -accompanied correspondence of a narrative of the author over the years with his father appears for the first time a Cela “alone and even desperate.” “I was impressed to read that I regret my father, something not thought possible,” confessed Cela Conde, who especially pointed to that feeling during the first transatlantic voyages of the Galician writer.

The other version of the Nobel Prize in the collective imagination is that of someone “tremendous, with a sense of control things and some might think that even breakfasted raw children,” according react to different situations.

when asked if that attitude was “postureo” facing journalists, Cela Conde said was rather the “writer’s craft.” “All writers characters he invented and the first, yours,” he acknowledged, but said that in recent years, his father “tried to flee the invented figure.”

“You could he said that when he was awarded the Nobel Prize became a slippery slope, because everyone believed he was unable to continue writing, but an ace up his sleeve, “he said referring to his latest novel,” boxwood “.

“as galas and other burdens piled up, it looked increasingly more difficult a twist

in his work. So you have to take your hat off to someone who was able to finish his literary life writing the novel he always wanted to write and also as high poetic value “defended Cela Conde.

In any case, Cela was someone who “never regretted anything” and that attitude could “take its toll” at some stage of his life. “In fact, twice to two different my uncles, my father came to convey that feeling of having lost the papers”.

The narrative style of the cards is a Cela “not lowered guard and even, one could argue that cojonudas are well written, as he would have said “. The missives Charo Conde were not included due to “lack of time”, although the son said that “not someone who won the Nobel, if they show love (mutual) that felt”.

About approval of his father about this book, recalled that “never” gave an assessment of their work, but that “Cela my father” if he came by his other approval. “If I were fatuous, ridiculous and unconscionable, I’d say this book maybe I could have written my father,” he said wryly.

In addition, with respect to time in the work of his father, he said with humor that is already “a rare classic” matched your search with Quevedo and even Cervantes. “Man, someone who wrote those notes or capertovetónicos trip to the United States … does not seem serious to be a classic. But luckily can it be classic so funny, “he said.

At a glance

The foundation

letters and documents Camilo Jose Cela Conde not included in the new book about his father passed to the study by researchers from the “Camilo Jose Cela” Foundation, he said yesterday at a news conference.

“you have to take your hat off to someone who was able to finish his literary life writing the novel I always wanted to write and also as high poetic value”



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