Saturday, August 1, 2015

Lynn Anderson died, legend of country music in the US – El Universal (Venezuela)

Los Angeles .- The legend of country music in the United States, Lynn Anderson, who joined the international stardom with his classic “Rose Garden” in the ’70s, has died 67, US media reported.

Anderson died Thursday of a heart attack at Vanderbilt Nashville hospital after being admitted for pneumonia, publicist Mark Logsdon told CNN.

Anderson had a whole series of hits that made her one of the greatest country singers of his time, before obtaining moderate success as an actress.

But mainly be remembered for his song “(I never Promised You A) Rose Garden “which topped the charts in several countries in the world.

His album with the title of that song was the long-term best-selling female artist from 1971-1997 When Shania Twain’s record broke, Rolling Stone said.

This earned him the blonde Anderson, daughter of songwriters, born in Grand Forks, North Dakota, a Grammy.

The country music world mourned the death of one of its greatest exponents, with singer Dolly Parton leading the tributes.

“Lynn now flourishes in the rose garden of God. We will miss and remember with affection, “Parton said quoted by the press.

Fans also paid their homage on the official website of Anderson on Facebook.

” Goodbye, Lynn Anderson . I have many happy moments listening to you, “wrote one of them.

Anderson grew up in California and attributed his love for country music his mother Liz Anderson, a renowned songwriter.

He moved to Nashville in 1970, which was the springboard for the highest of his brilliant career.

In addition to “Rose Garden”, had other notable successes, such as “Cry”, “How can I Unlove You “,” Keep me in mind “,” You are my man “and” Fool me “in a career that spanned four decades.

He played his songs until the end of his days; his latest album of gospel music, was released in June.


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