Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Juan Perez Floristán, first prize in the Piano & prime; Paloma O & prime; Shea & prime; – EntornoInteligente

Juan Perez Floristán, first prize in the Piano Competition Paloma O’Shea ‘ / World / Juan Perez Floristán, has been chosen to be the first prize and gold medal at Closing Ceremony and Awards Ceremony of the XVIII International Piano Competition Paloma O’Shea Santander. The Spanish received their distinction from the hand of the Director General of INAEM, Montserrat Iglesias. Huh Jae-Weon David, has won the second prize and silver medal. She presented him with his prize by the President of the Government of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla.

The winners offered the audience a brief performance after the delivery of each of the Awards. The ceremony took place in the Sala Argenta of the Festival Hall of Cantabria l

The event was attended by the President of the Government of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla.; the Director General of INAEM (National Institute of Performing Arts and Music), Montserrat Iglesias; the mayor of Santander, Inigo de la Serna; and the President of the Competition and the Albéniz Foundation, Paloma O’Shea.

At the beginning of the Gala, presented by Eva Sandoval has played a piece by Rossini, ‘William Tell in Santander’ (Overture Piano run in 12 hands) from the six finalists.

After the words of Dona Paloma, Iglesias has delivered Award Finalist and Elena Martel, Comunication and Marketing Manager of Canon Spain, by the Notary Rafael Segura, have given the Audience Award in this Canon has sponsored edition.

Juan Perez Floristán was the winner of the Audience Award Canon, consisting of a series of high-end Canon and decides with the votes of those attending the Final held on 3 and 4 August in the Sala Argenta of the Festival Hall and through the votes made via online from websites and

Next, the Jury President, Gary Graffman, read the decision of the jury, giving the first three prizes to:.

Juan Perez Floristán, First Prize and Gold Medal Received its distinction from the hands of the Director General of INAEM, Montserrat Iglesias. Huh Jae-Weon David, Second Prize and Silver Medal. She presented him with his prize by the President of the Government of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla. Jianing Kong, Third Prize and Bronze Medal. Prize handed the Mayor of Santander, Inigo de la Serna.

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