Saturday, August 8, 2015

Bobbi boyfriend accused of negligence –

The lawyers boyfriend Bobbi Kristina Brown considered false and slanderous a lawsuit in which he is accused him of contributing to the death of the woman.

The administrator of the estate of Bobbi Kristina Brown added to the case against Nick Gordon recounts wrongful death. The document accuses Gordon Brown giving a “toxic cocktail” and put it upside down in water.

The lawyers of Gordon, Joe Habachy and Jose Baez, reported that the allegations are unfounded. Said Gordon is “broken” and described the claim as an “invented aggression.”

The 22 year old daughter Whitney Houston died in palliative care on July 26, months after she was found 31 January face down and unconscious in a bathtub in the apartment where he lived in a suburb of Atlanta.

Gordon does not face any criminal charges for the death of Brown.

The Office Fulton County coroner said that according to the initial autopsy “no serious injuries were detected.” bogus=”1″


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