Rafa Mora is not silent and has shown on more than one occasion. The contributor most novice of 'Save me Journal', next to Monica Hoyos and Laura Fa, has been in the program 'Cazamariposas' Divinity and wanted to have as he goes into his new job as a collaborator of the famous program of tabloids of Telecinco.
Because Rafa is he comfortable with the presenters of Cazamariposas, ensuring that he was very proud to collaborate in the Save me and hopefully will renew the contract. To the question if there was tension on the set of Save me, he replied: "Each one has a way of being, a bit of tension if there is. There are many asses for a few chairs".
These compliments came from the lips of former tronista of 'Women and Men and vice versa' reconverted in tertullian of 'Save me', but proceeded in this way talking about the partner with the worst carries in his work: "I with Terelu, if I have to cross and I have to say hello, greeting for education, and she to me, but can’t do for ourselves. With Lidya, as they do not have any kind of 'feeling' and has now joined Cello to the cause, because of course, as I am the fellow, and talk more than she, is now indignadísima".
The case is that, after such 'cracked', has wanted to make it clear that you are the divots normal of any work. Of course, as if we all tiráramos tackle to the head in our place of work, and we are surrounded stabbing traperas in the back. That I do not say that does not happen, but if it were so common, no one would go to work without a baseball bat in the bag, only for self-defense, huh?.
you May want to read: María Teresa Campos is lowered and returns to 'Save me Journal'
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