Sunday, February 5, 2017

Gastón Duprat and Mariano Cohn: “This Goya us power for the new movies” – Clarí

Not passed, not even ten minutes from the acknowledgements in the scenario of the Madrid Marriott Auditorium Hotel and Gaston Duprat and Mariano Cohn, the team behind The distinguished citizen -Goya award for best pleícula iberoamericana – it takes a few minutes to discuss with Bugle.

"we Now find ourselves outside of the room, the theatre is packed -boots Duprat-. After the awards ceremony, pasás as a few dependencies where we are taking drinks. We two (by Mariano Cohn, co-director) happy, because it is a kind of close to the path of the film, which surpassed by far our expectations. It premiered at Venice, where Oscar (Martinez) won the Copa Volpi as best actor, and then the film won ten international awards in its entire length. We were rewarded in Thessaloniki, Valladolid, in Israel. We are very happy".

See also

The distinguished citizen -17° movie argentina get the Goya in the best ibero-american film – is in poster in Spain "since November, and has already passed the 150,000 spectators. In Argentina saw more than 650,000 people," says Duprat while savoring tapas. The film, produced by Fernando Sokolowicz –the only one who spoke at the ceremony, attended by actresses Andrea Frigerio and Belén Chavanne – also premiered in Italy "and in march opens in France".

-why do you feel that you are going to serve this prize in Spain?

-(Gastón Duprat) Was a lot of personal effort to make the movie, I hope all this makes possible to close the agreements that we are working here in Spain, with television stations and production companies to make a new film. In truth we have two projects, survival Manual and 4 x 4. We did not separate with Mariano, but that one is going to direct a movie, and the other is going to produce.

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-(Mariano Cohn) And vice versa. What we want now is to be able to shoot with less space between the film and the film. the survival Manual, who will direct Gaston, filmaría between September and October, and mine, 4 x 4, we are seeing if we shot between January and February 2018.

-What have casts tentative?

-(Duprat) not Yet we have nothing, we are writing the scripts.

-are you Going to keep the method of writing the scripts together?

-(Cohn) Yes. With Gaston we’re going to work on a script from Andrew (Duprat), and we adapt, as always. It is very important to this Goya. We power more than anything with the new movies, we are planning to have more continuity, and shoot more often. Don’t forget that it took us 5 years for this movie. When I say power, I mean that the leg Spanish, for us it was very important, I would tell you that determinant to make The distinguished citizen, actually,

-what is the night? How are they going to celebrate?

-(Duprat) With all there is here… Then there’s something more formal, but the important thing is that we close a tour and look to forward.


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