Sunday, October 2, 2016

What ends the mystery of Elena Ferrante? –

Impress the names of the media that published the research as it is about sites that are considered serious and prestigious; in English he did the daily version of The New York Review of Books, Italian, Il Sole 24 Ore, German, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and in French, the site specialized in policy research and financial Mediapart. And if it is impressive is because they treated the issue as if it were a detachment of some financial scandal, in the line of the Panama Papers. So, in order to reveal the identity of the author who hides himself voluntarily after the name Elena Ferrante, Gatti was behind the payments made in recent years by Edizione e/o, the seal original publisher of the novels of Ferrante and found that Anita Raja, a translator of German –from Kafka to Christa Wolf – who works for them, increased their income exponentially, something that is not in keeping with his task recognized to translate the German into Italian.


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