Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Trump proposals, “impossible”: John Irving –

The new novel by American writer John Irving, Avenue of the Mysteries , is a journey to the heart of Mexican spirituality. Is also an exploration of how children live, how can mold their lives and how, ultimately, work a miracle that has nothing to do with the official churches.

“It’s miraculous what that many has led them to the Church and keeps them in his bosom. Believe in Mary and Jesus, not the institution, “says the writer, who at 74 years speaks admiringly of the spirituality of the Mexicans, that prompted him to write this novel whose origins date back to the late eighties, when the author of works such as the world according to Garp, the hotel New Hampshire or the epic drinking water had in mind making a film about children in circuses in the India.

“I was practically a written script, but suddenly during a trip to Oaxaca to see their orphanages and study circuses and how they lived there children, I met some pickers, some children the garbage that made me change my mind, “says the author during a meeting with reporters at the Casa de America in Madrid, at the launch in our language of his new novel published under the Tusquets seal.

another element that made him change scenario was the story of a deserter from the Vietnam war, which in its Indian argument did not work. “It was harder to find such characters in India; whereas in Mexico abounded in the 70s, so everything worked better if the story happened in Mexico, “he says.

But the most important element was the faith of Juan Diego, the scavenger child with time becomes a successful writer of Mexican origin who reside in Iowa. “it was critical that character believe in miracles, in the miraculous. And that’s what it takes to live an experience that miracles really mean something, because not only Catholicism is based on miracles, but also many other religions. These are the mysteries that really matter, “he says.

Irving recalls that his first contact with the children of garbage was in the 70s, when in piles outside the Mexico City I could burn everything. “That is very important for history, because today there is some kind of restrictions and no longer burns everything; but then yes happened and children to read a book had to save it from the flames. On the other hand, it is vital for the work that Juan Diego and Lupe, her sister, are

scavengers, which actually is transformed into miracle seekers. They seek a miracle in which to believe and although both have doubts about the Church, and Major Juan Diego criticize that world as an institution, its rules, its principles and its policy, at the end the miracle that will reveal crucial will happen their lives. “

as the title of this novel, the writer says that is taken from the Calzada of the Mysteries leading to the Basilica of Guadalupe. “It’s a magical place, every time you visit a different experience produces you. I have spent many times Mexico City and have always wanted, because I need it, go there and see to the faithful confused with them. For me it was very special back each time to the Basilica of Guadalupe. “

Finally, Irving knows that in a world ruled by Donald Trump his character could hardly cross the border of Mexico with the United States and carve a destination of success. But he is adamant when he says that “the wall is impossible, as are many of the proposals of Mr. Trump. I remember when I was 20 years I did not like that American society was so divided; but still is today and even more. They are the United States, but the United Divided; United States there are many different. In the 80 I thought the differences and hatred which sexual issues broached in my novel The World According to Garp – would be a thing of history in a few decades; But it has not been that way. Neither the issue of abortion, which broached in Princes of Maine, Kings of New England – has gone better. But ultimately, I do not think Trump will win, even if they think Trump is bad, I think the evangelical Cruz is even worse. And it is that Sanders and Trump are taking advantage of the anger of people who do not feel represented by the establishment , and they are offering very simplistic solutions. In short, there is much social division and they are using it to their advantage. “


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