Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Spain: director humor magazine is assaulted in retaliation for cover of the publication – Montevideo Portal (Press release) (Registration) (blog)


The director of the satirical magazine Thursday, Mayte Quílez suffered Wednesday aggression at the door of his home in Barcelona.

as reported by the newspaper El Nacional, Quílez was about to enter his home after a jogging session, when he was approached by a hooded individual and punched him in the face and fled.

Quílez suffered minor injuries, and said to the local police its intention to file a complaint.

the attack occurred immediately after I saw the light the latest issue of the weekly ( “on Thursday, the magazine leaving Wednesday “is the full name of the humor magazine) in which the growth of the far right in Europe is criticized by the cartoon cover reproduced under these lines.

Obviously less invasive the slaughter perpetrated by jihadists in the drafting of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo, this incident makes it clear that satire unsettles and annoys intolerant of all kinds

Montevideo Portal


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