Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Film Festival returns !: official dates and how to get your accreditations – Blasting News

A year returns to Spain Film Party, an initiative promoting most Spanish cinemas to boost ticket sales for three consecutive days. Spanish viewers will enjoy, once again, the best movies at a price of laughter; 2.90 euros p or input. Again, the film industry hopes to fill all cinemas with this initiative created and promoted by FECE, FAPAE, FEDICINE and ICAA. You’d show you all the information in this new edition of Film Party, official dates and how to get your accreditations to not stay without them!

This time, the initiative film will hit theaters in our country on 9, 10 and May 11 . For three consecutive days, viewers can watch their favorite movies billboard this week for only 2.90 euros each . How to benefit from this incredible promotion? In order to get tickets to this exclusive discount, you must have s previously olicitado accreditation for Film Party , which can be obtained free of charge on the website created for the event. As has been done in the past calls for this initiative, you can also book and purchase tickets via the Internet, thus avoiding the uncomfortable long lines that were generated during the first calls for Film Party, if only they could buy tickets at the box office film.

To access the rooms, it is essential to teach the entrance along with the accreditation we will receive once we requested on the official website of the event In some cases, the rooms could be reserved the right to ask the spectator their identity, so it is advisable to carry it, besides the accreditation and entry.

Film Party intends to again achieve great success of massive assistance to the halls of our country. Are you going to attend?


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