those who know him talk among themselves. This morning, facing the dead and hospitalized after the party Time Warp in Costa Salguero, an administrator of the forum online Argenpills warned his community of thousands of users: “Given the facts everything indicates that it is circulating a batch PMA / PMMA what we recommend is as long as this situation is not clarified not consume any pills that have not previously tested under any point of view, although it has some outlined in the forum as it may be a copy or a different batch “.
The text is, in a way, a statement of crisis. For more than a decade, Argenpills was a communication node for consumers of synthetic drugs in the country, with a profile gourmet away from the reality of villero drug trafficking in the era of paco and Peruvian drug lords and Paraguayans.
Argenpills is not about drug trafficking, but reduce damage . Consume pills in Buenos Aires can be a lottery. Under pseudonyms forum users historically reseñaron new tablets on the market with its effects and toxicity and warned its adverse effects, denouncing the bad lots. There are notable peculiarities in the community, such as Marquis tests and reagents Ehrlich consumers manage themselves about what they buy to recognize precisely what substance is in the tablet. On the other hand, believe that every pill that is seized or consumed in the City of Buenos Aires is made merely of ecstasy, MDMA classic, is a sign of ignorance. Inside the stomach and then in the brain, the chemical vademécum may be at least varied
The warning Manager Argenpills was not capricious. PMMA, or parametoximetanfetamina, is a similar substance ecstasy but much cheaper to produce . Known as the “drug Superman” , your tablet bears the S superhero classic and is higher toxicity than common MDMA : the negative symptoms are hypothermia, hyperactivity, increased blood pressure, mental and physical disorders such as excess serotonin in the body. It is at least known in Europe: four deaths last Christmas was charged in the United Kingdom
In Spain is regulated since 2002. In April last year,
Argenpills users will know of the brand pills “Superman” appeared early last year in different colors in the local market dealers; were yellow, blue and red. If this is PMMA or not, despite tests applied by users, the outcome is uncertain. A consumer tested a yellow in the Time Warp festival last year . “I took a whole. Within half an hour longer felt mild effects, and that I always take band up the songs. At 45 minutes I was re placed. It was up gradually, without kick, but never kept it up. I found super clean and highly charged, “then he said in the online community.
In March last, another user recounted his experience with a red pill : “I decided to start with a half since it was rumored that were fairly high load, to taste very bitter. After 30 minutes of shooting is starting to feel the effects: begins to rise slowly, euphoria and empathy at the same time are very flightless with high tolerance left me pretty blown up, when you can feel the effect. Total. much mandibuleo, they are also very strong for the stomach. ”
Today, the “Superman” are at the center of the storm would be what ate the dead and boarding Party Time Warp Costa Salguero. Not exist in a vacuum, on the other hand. The last management report PROCUNAR, the wing prosecutors investigating drug trafficking in the country under the leadership of fiscal Diego Iglesias said that, at least in cases in which the body intervened during the last year, more than 28 thousand pills and dies with psychoactive substances between February 2013 and December 2015 were found throughout the country. the PROCUNAR collaborates with the prosecutor Sandro Abraldes in the investigation for the deaths of party Time Warp and both sought the help of witnesses. No autopsy results are still available on Saturday afternoon, a lethal dose of PMMA is among his suspicions.
The law paste late
synthetic Sell, in a way, is the future of drug trafficking. Monica Cuñarro , attorney general, a professor of criminal law at the University of Buenos Aires and one of the greatest experts on counternarcotics the country, explains: “Designer drugs are the result of economic changes, as not require time of planting, harvesting, brokers, big bows for distribution , and it takes only a small place in which to do them. that is, its existence and expansion is because the product less investment is needed and earn more “.
in May 2015, the Government had a gesture certainly delayed against a chemical drug capable of going much faster than the legislation itself: update decree SEDRONAR for prohibited substances regulates what is a drug and what not the PMMA entered the list, as well. NBOMe , a chemical compound with 33 molecular variants is a cheap equivalent of LSD , administered dies. Well known among local consumers for its bitter taste accompanied by a rapid numbness of the tongue, is often confused with lysergic acid itself. Judge Sergio Torres had asked for the inclusion of the substance in a trade SEDRONAR, the Ministry of Health and the ANMAT after finding it in various narco operating.
The decree was also included methylone, similar to ecstasy, cheaper methamphetamine, which does not depend on safrole needed for MDMA higher quality, a virtual “cat Hare”. It was perhaps an ironic example. The historical backwardness of the decree implied that the major cause for methylone in Argentina almost finished in the trash Comodoro Py.
Former Judge Norberto Oyarbide had in his hands the fate of Francisco Ribas Rocher , a Spanish who was arrested in late 2013 by the Dangerous division Drug PFA, when burst after weeks of intelligence in his small studio from downtown Buenos Aires. had a machine to arm pads and methylone enough to make a hundred thousand , with a small network of vendors discotecass. The drug, according to sources of force by international mail came from the East. tabletting machine was basically a money machine. No narco soldiers, no Peruvian or Colombian capos: a lot of dust compacted and hidden in a book. .
However, Ribas Rocher ended acquitted by Oyarbide The former judge was at least consistent with law: it dismissed because the methylone was not in the Government drug list . The PROCUNAR took up the cause, in which she performed the Federal Prosecutor No. 11: filed an appeal and a request processing which was confirmed by the Federal Court. He called methylone is under the guise of health hazardous substances
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