Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Announces Pau Dones be free of cancer – Digital Lopez Doriga

Pau Dones, leader of Jarabe de Palo, announced Monday on his Facebook account that is free of the cancer.

 Pau D & # XF3; nes

Indeed, last Friday issued through his Instagram account, a photo while subjected to a scanner, always with the hashtag #jarabecontracancer.

 Pau D & # XF3; nes

he himself announced in September 2015 that he had colon cancer, so he underwent surgery for a malignant tumor in the large intestine.

in his Instagram account alluded to the world day colon cancer, remembering that if you spend 40, is no other reviews

Pau D & # XF3; nes

has always had his experience on social networks so many praise it

On December 24, 2015 published in. Verne text that was entitled “I still p’adelante, like those of Alicante” in this explained the attitude he took against his illness.

Everyone lives life his own way. At least it should be. So I have done since I can remember and so I will continue to do so because, throwing p’atrás view, the truth is that it went pretty well.

I was born musician and that’s what I am. Son of my mother and mother nature, and live mountain. I have a family that I love. Few good friends but really good. And in the loving field, I always shared with great women.

As in anyone’s life, there have been days of sun and shade. Overall I have never wrinkled face of adversity. The drama is not me at all. I have addressed the problems with the courage that one has when not afraid of failure (and the failures have been at least as many hits). The intensity has been a vital reference. I’ve done very little reluctantly, and when something interested me, I have given everything. Illusion, desire and instinct, my three main premises. In

short, my first 50 years (one left me to meet them) I can not complain about anything.

Now I have cancer. And that? I have also had the flu, mumps, chicken pox …. Cancer is a disease. Serious, sometimes dangerous, but a disease to after all. I’m sorry. Not because I say so, but because I have told doctors. As have told me that due to oncogene that affects me (BRAF), at some point the crab will come back.

So when I come back here I am, as I am now. One faces death as lived life and, as I said before, my life to date has not been life has been a vidon. So, if you come back, then we’ll see. For now, I follow.

Sigo pa’lante, my way. Enjoying the present. Tucked into my music. I am wanting to whom I want. Enjoying good times, small things, love, friendship, madness continues so generously offering me my head. Constant, steady beat of my heart. Still p’alante. Albeit with the same intensity, desire, enthusiasm and courage with which I have always lived. Until you drop from exhaustion. And when they do not hold, as I said, we’ll see.

We were talking about cancer? Excuse me, but is that the cancer will dedicate maximum 5 minutes a day, and that time is over.

To be ending, let me give you a couple of notes . Cancer is the second most widespread disease in the modern world (behind depression). In a few years, not many, one out of two men who reach age 85 it will suffer or suffered (and one in three women). But nobody panic, huh? Because at the same time, in a few years, not many, cancer will be like a flu. And that is good news, which leads me to the following thought: could it be that we live in a sick world? Sick at how, when, why. And not for the disease itself, but by the sickening way we live. There is something we are doing wrong, no doubt. And that something has to do with our way of life, for sure. Does the welfare state? Yes, but … at what price?

I conclude with some verses I wrote about the death of my mother, who summarized in four words all this rollazo that I have just meter ….

I would tell

four things I like

give me the sun on your face

That the wind in my face

That death and come … ..that death and come.

prosperísimos Merry christmas and new years.

with information from El País


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