Bob Dylan forward a song from their second album with songs from “the Voice”
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Thu 7 April 2016 11:26
Bob Dylan released the first preview of Fallen Angels, their second album versions of songs that played Frank Sinatra, a formula that opened last year with the respectful and praised Shadows of the Night .
the song is “Melancholy Mood”, a composition of Walter Schuman and Vick Knight that Sinatra recorded in 1939 with the Harry James orchestra and among the first recordings of Sinatra. He dylan integrated it into his repertoire live in October 2015.
“Melancholy Mood” is a dark song that Dylan arma around a jazzy guitar giving a neat gloomily . The letter says, for example, “the joy and inspiration were, I just have to show tears, inconsolable, everything is ugly pain and sadness.” Not exactly a cheerful tune
The original version can be heard here
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