Friday, October 9, 2015

Lennon was among rebellion and Peace – World

, in the heart of Manhattan, you can not take pictures. The guards made the warning and if the tourist gets stubborn reach the NYPD and captures. Tragic is the charm that surrounds the mythical building, which was for posterity in 1980 when, at the door, a fanatic murdered

, who was born 75 years ago, on this day in Liverpool.

Raised by an aunt in a modest home, Lennon, coincides almost all the extensive literature out there, it was a child and adolescent rebellious, restless and always eager to know things. That curiosity made from a young age to devote himself to music. At age 15 and was the leader of The Quarrymen .

Time passed and two years later met Paul McCartney , who had come as public to a group presentation. Soon after, the new friend joined the band. Hello, Little Girl was the first issue that Lennon did.

The union with Paul and later with George Harrison and drummer Stuart Sutcliffe (eventually triumph Ringo Starr) led to The Beatles in the early 1960s worked hard before they “explode”. Tours, concerts, marriage (he married Cynthia Powell, launched Love Me Do , recorded their first album, Please, Please Me and together with success, in 1963, his son Julian was born.
The fame did not come alone. He came accompanied by significant as invitations to sing in a gala, attended by the Queen, the famous US presentation on the show Ed Sullivan and the statement in that same country, who else? Lennon !: “Christianity will go. They fade and reduce its controversial size. We’re more popular than Jesus now. I do not know which will go first, if rock and roll or Christianity. “

The beginning of the end

The rest is Repeat until the dissolution of the band in 1970 after an episode story in which everything pointed to Yoko Ono , who became his second wife in charge. “In the last stage of group ( Let It Be and Abbey Road ) the reins were in the hands of McCartney, although the two companies are accredited by the agreement they had, “said the specialist journalist Victor Amaya music.

At the time, Lennon was living in New York and Give Peace a Chance , plus his activism against the Vietnam War, earned almost deportation . “We must pay attention to the lyrics of Revolution because it reveals the clear, restless man. For me it was who sang the love from a rational point of view. Imagine came later, it became a romantic song about the same, “he said the announcer Gustavo Pierral.

The lone

Just as Imagine became an icon against war and for peace, which still remains-to the point of few days Shakira makes is the Pope sang at the headquarters of the UN, Zarik Medina, one of the members of the Venezuelan band tribute to The Beatles Beat 3 discovered the Lennon and group . “I was always in the musical retro. My dad had a TDK cassette Imagine and put it over and over again. When I was five I was with an aunt to get a facial and had a poster of The Beatles and it sounded interesting picture of the boys dressed in suits and Pollina. I asked who they were and when I named Lennon did the association and stayed with the music “.

He grew up and met Vultures, another tribute band. “Sensational Saturday saw them in singing these songs in Spanish. So I learned earlier in the Castilian that in English, “said Medina.

The Beat 3 have made the repertoire of The Beatles and Paul McCartney and John Lennon his letter. “We have been invited several times to Liverpool and were named Ambassadors of the group, yet imitate. We’re a band that respects much what they did and we put the Latin note. We were not ever going to see any of them disguised. They marked pattern beyond a fad. I feel changed and created the pop world. When we offer a concert with them it will always be a feeling that a song missing. The audience responds much the duo of John and Paul. “He said.

Currently, the band is every Thursday in the Cavern Club Nights , at 8 pm every Thursday during October in the BOD. On December 8, coinciding with the anniversary of Lennon’s death, they offered a show in which he also held the 17 years of the group.


While recognizing all the contribution made Lennon music with The Beatles, Juan Carlos Ballesta, specialized music journalist, said his solo work was also important. “At that stage soloist assumed a role of pacifist character, with controversial ideas and dreamer, but had its sour side. The album Sometimes in New York City showed his nonconformity stage. He left an altruistic, dreamy and at the same time confrontational attitude. “

To Amaya, one of his most important contributions” was called Lost Weekend as it was a very productive period. He Wall and Bridges, Whatever , Elton John , which was his only No. 1 solo. In addition, he rebuilt his relationship with his son Julian, to the point that recorded the drums on that record. He also reunited with Paul and discussed the idea of ​​returning to work together, which was not given when he returned with Yoko. “

Double Fantasy I was a record that could not enjoy because within three weeks of the launch of Woman was killed. “It was his encounter with the music and the fans, after having been as ‘househusband’, as he put it, dedicated to his son Sean,” he said Ballestas.

The reunion of The Beatles was pending. “I do not think that would have given away personal conflicts rather than musical. Perhaps a share at a concert, “said Amaya. However, Pierral considered that even that had been given. “It did not work as a group. Music was better for things to happen that way. “


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